
Figurative Language In The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe

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personification to demonstrate how the curtain is sad and how the rustling sound of it makes him feel depressed. The curtain obviously cannot be sad, this is just a representation of how he feels. Much like the physical setting, his emotional state of mind is dingy as well. He seems to be an emotional wreck. Poe makes the reference to the curtains making him feel terrors which he never felt before. He uses the word terrors which represents anything freighting, dark and scary. Additionally, Poe once again uses figurative language to explain what is happening within the poem. In the following passage, Poe uses onomatopoeia to explain the sensation that is taking over his body. He opened the chamber door and sees nothing but the darkness before him. This has him shaking in fear but nevertheless, he is very intrigued by this feeling. He uses onomatopoeia to describe the sound which he is referring to. His rhyming takes on a whole new level within this passage. “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, …show more content…

It is clear that animals do not talk, which gives a vivid picture of just how mad he is becoming. He seems to have lost his mind by point, and believes that the raven is actually answering his question. “Much I marveled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, though its answer little meaning-little relevancy it bore” (Poe 2). He seems to be a bit surprise by the fact that the bird actually responded to his question. Although, he seems to be a bit disappointed by the fact that the ravens answer did not have the significance he was searching for. He believes that his response had little meaning and relevancy. This also shows that he has finally reached the point of insanity. He is now feeling a bit upset by the answer of the raven. He does not realize the birds cannot talk. He clearly has lost his mind at this

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