
Ginwright's Hope And Healing In Urban Education

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Purpose and Focus: The purpose and main point of chapter one of Hope and Healing in Urban Education are that youth in low-income environments need extra hope and attention in order to succeed. Shawn Ginwright explains that while it may be difficult to reach these communities, it’s a worthwhile investment of time and resources to improve them. Ginwright uses personal examples of people who have been affected by the struggle of living in a crime-ridden and low-income neighborhood in San Francisco. The eldest sibling examined, Tanya, a community organizer suffered the loss of her younger brother, who was murdered while he was visiting her on holiday from college. While Tanya felt helpless and that her efforts were in vain, she reached a fork in the road and had to decide whether or not she was getting anything effective accomplished. In the end, Tanya, along with other community organizers, created a healing zone for anyone suffering trauma and offered the community hope and healing. This concept of hope and healing is the central message …show more content…

They claim, “...students of color are showing that they feel disconnected from their respective schools, that implicit yet institutionalized racism creates emotional distance between them and their white peers and faculty. Being a black student on a predominantly white campus certainly, doesn’t guarantee that the student will develop mental-health issues. However, various studies suggest that perceived or actual discrimination can make it hard for students of color to engage with their campus in the way that their white peers do.” This explains how students sometimes feel like they don’t get enough support from their universities and this is dangerous because it can lead that student to drop out of school. According to “From the achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools” claims

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