
Harriet Ann Jacobs Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Ariel Freedman
May 25, 2023
U.S American History

Empathy can never fully be absent; although it can only be diminished, a lack of kindness can change over time, and people can develop feelings of an issue. In Harriet Ann Jacobs’ autobiography, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” she attempts to increase the empathic state of the readers of her time. She was born into slavery in Edenton, North Carolina, in the early 1800s. Jacobs tried to convey to her white audience racism and African American life in America by showing the audience her experiences. She wants to convince white middle-class northerners to empathize with her by giving them perspective on her experiences. She aimed to improve the conditions of the recently-freed …show more content…

Loving, protecting one’s family, and keeping family close, transcends race and culture. Although the brutal system of slavery routinely threatens enslaved people like Jacobs, their idea of a bonded family is. Jail, sales, or death constantly tore apart enslaved families. Jacobs’ experiences of being separated from her Children and forced to comply with the owner’s demands highlight the devastating impact that slavery had on family relationships. Yet, through all of Jacob’s struggles and hardships, she shows the resilience and strength of her spirit. Even amid extreme tragedy, Jacobs’ unwavering commitment to protecting her children and finding her loved ones is a testament to the power of love and the ties that bind …show more content…

Jacobs’ choice to flee her master’s plantation exemplifies her fierce desire for independence and self-determination. It exhibits her unwavering character in the face of overwhelming suffering and the lengths she will go to secure the fundamental right to freedom. Her battle for freedom becomes a guiding force in the story, highlighting the unbreakable spirit and tenacity of enslaved people who dared to resist the harsh institution of slavery. In addition, Jacobs’ efforts to free others from slavery show her purpose to stir the readers’ morals and motivate them to take a stand against the heinous institution of slavery. She wants to highlight the injustice and violence inherent in the system by discussing her experiences as an enslaved person. She also wants to make her audience think about the moral ramifications of such pervasive human misery. Jacobs urges her readers to identify freedom as a fundamental and inviolable human right that should be provided to everyone to destroy the complacency and indifference that supported the institution of slavery through the strong storytelling she employs. In this way, the book’s desire for liberation is a sad reminder of the ongoing fight for liberty and the unwavering pursuit of justice. It encourages readers to consider the

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