
How Did Langston Hughes Use Begin Match To Source 7 In Source List

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Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Submitted to College of the Canyons on 2006-03-27Langston Hughes once said,End Match “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.” Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Submitted to College of the Canyons on 2006-03-27HughesEnd Match had Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Submitted to College of the Canyons on 2006-03-27aEnd Match dream that was criticized by many but he persevered and ended up accomplishing great things. The Harlem Renaissance was shaped by one prominent man: Langston Hughes. He wrote many pieces of work that connected with African Americans. Langston Hughes was an important literary figure during a time of African American celebration. …show more content…

African American culture developed during the 1920s as black families moved into Harlem. Many African Americans left the South for the North in the Great Migration. This led to the Harlem Renaissance, an artistic and social explosion of black culture. Works created during this time included literature, music, stage performance, and art. (History.com) Also, Langston Hughes used his writing to convey his views. He wrote about injustice from his experiences of racism and prejudice, citing that “We Negro writers, just by being black, have been on the blacklist all our lives ... Censorship for us begins at the color line.” He said that just by being black, he was already at a disadvantage from other writers because of racial discrimination. Hughes talked about his childhood, recalling that “The first two or three days, on the way home from school, little white kids, kids my age, 6 and 7 years old, who would throw stones at

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