How Did The Women's Rights Movement Change In The 1800s Dbq

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A time period that ranges from the 1800’s to 1850’s is known as a tremendous changing time for our young country of America. These changes included the Social Reform Era, Manifest Destiny, Industrialization, and Urbanization. Changes like these took huge effect on American History. Without knowing and understanding these aspects it is very difficult to know how the development of America worked. It is important to realize that events like these let America unravel into a valuable long lasting country. Among the 1820’s and 30’s the Social Reform Era took charge throughout the nation. This era declared change for women, Native Americans and African Americans (Document K) since free white males had conquered political suffrage for themselves. The rest of America’s population was left ignored and neglected. To avoid this unwanted discrimination, the Abolition and Women’s Rights Movements were created. These movements put into perspective how MANY Americans were unable to vote and ignored (Document J). Through the years, African American and …show more content…

The Manifest Destiny was a belief that the United States’ fate was to reach from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean (Document A). At the point in time when it was created, America was in fact not that large yet. Manifest Destiny created perseverance throughout all of America and Americans did all in their power to retrieve the land that touched the Pacific (Document C). We basically turned into bullies just to salvage a most likely fake belief. Even though the United States did go to war with Mexico and Europe for most of the land: Native Americans suffered the most. Every time they were kicked out of their land so Americans could settle it would happen again with their new land. Overall the Manifest Destiny was just some nationalism bully fueling belief and was only positive in which people then permanently migrated

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