
How Is Othello A Tragic Hero

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Tragic heroes always meet their demise in the end. They have characteristics that result in their tragic deaths. In William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Othello, the protagonist Othello exemplifies the characteristics of a tragic hero. A tragic hero has a flaw which results in the character’s untimely death. William Shakespeare reveals Othello’s tragic flaw, irrational jealousy, as the plot builds to his downfall. Irrational jealousy begins when Iago tells Othello “why go to then! She that so young could give out such a seeming” (III, iii,207-208). Iago makes Othello jealous regarding the supposed affair between Cassio and Desdemona by constantly hinting about it to Othello. Throughout the play, Iago manipulates Othello’s insecure and jealous mind. Iago convinces Othello of false information, convincing him to kill Desdemona. Easily manipulated by Iago, Othello’s inherent character flaw, irrational jealousy, directly interferes with his common sense, driving him into a murderous rage. The result, the unjust murder of Desdemona, also leads to Othello’s own suicide. In the case of Othello, the audience watches as his tragic flaw destroys Othello’s life and brings about his fall from grace. …show more content…

Othello loses his respect and nobility when he falls right into Iago’s trap. In Act IV, an upset Othello strikes Desdemona. The Venetian gentleman, Lodovico, sees for the first time Othello behave violently. Lodovico asks,” Is this the noble Moor whom our full Senate/Call all in all sufficient?” (IV,ii,259-260). Lodovico in this scene sees Othello significantly change because he had been well respected in Venice. Othello’s behavior in Act IV differs from Act I, showing how a tragic hero falls and how they can destroy themselves and their

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