
If I Die In A Combat Zone By Tim O Brien

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In If I Die in a Combat Zone, the author Tim O’Brien argues his disagreement with the Vietnam War through his beliefs of the injustice of war by depicting the arrogance of the war itself and his experiences of brutality as a soldier in Vietnam. This story is developed very differently from any other book written about the War of Vietnam, O’Brien added fiction to his real life experiences to express his true belief on the war and expose the injustice of it. Throughout the book O’Brien mentions his thoughts against the war and involvement in Vietnam and even conflicted over it with the Chaplain during his basic training. To him he explains his values and understanding of the pursuit of happiness and argues that as a human his obligation is to …show more content…

From killing man, woman, children, and even elders with the idea that it was acceptable because it was for his homeland his perspective of the war being biased continued to grow. At some point he compares the war to lightning or to the bombing on a silent Hiroshima as a way to demonstrate the level of impact that the war is known to cause (O'Brien, 110). As a soldier in combat he explains his definition of what courageous actually is and we learn that to him courage is all about wisdom, a characteristic that as a new young soldier he seems to confine and it becomes a personal challenge to …show more content…

The everyday life in the forests of Vietnam are always a battle, from village to village the Alpha Company lived and committed atrocities with the power of warfare. Although O’Brien seems to dislike the forms of force used against the Vietnamese he is aware that any Vietnamese in sight becomes an enemy. Despite that he is scarred with everything he lives as a soldier from shooting someone with an M-16 to his own unit members thrown into pieces by a grenade. War life like it is presented by O’Brien is not like any kind of life: from the successful ambushes, to losing half of the unit, or not knowing who would or wouldn't come back became a fear that because they were soldiers they were forced to cover. And many times they covered it through showing their “masculinity” by taking advantage of woman from the villages taking them by force or from canteens. In the story, O’Brien exposes various forces of brutality from the soldiers, the main source of war, with the purpose of portraying a real and honest image of what war really is like in order for others to reflect on the cruelty of

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