Inaccuracies In The Crucible

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Is it a coincidence that this movie is made at the time of the McCarthy trials? It would be highly unlikely that this is a coincidence as both affairs were very similar. They both involve trials based on superstitions, and charge people who has done nothing that would be harmful to their society. The movie portrays certain ingredients to be more influential than others. Although some argued that the witch trials were a result of hysteria, the accusations were caused by illusionary Puritan views, restrictive women's assigned roles, unhealthy class struggles, and imperialistic wars. As the Witch Trials require all those ingredient to be in play, then all ingredients are equally important. Illusionary views played a large role. Part of Puritan’s …show more content…

People after the war are so distressed they either wanted to take it out on certain people or thought that they are fully responsible for the war and their suffering. The Crucible only mentioned this ingredient once when Abigail became upset over “Indians smash my dear parents' heads on the pillow next to mine. And I have seen some reddish work done at night.” Abagail was clearly upset, so he/she wanted to Unequal and restrictive gender roles could had made the conflict bigger, as this is one of the only two ways women can ever be heard, the other which is marriage. As the incident spirals out of control, women may had used these trials to gain attention and status. The Crucible has also shown people stirring love potions. At the same time, they’re playing “MASH” (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House); leading to the people involved going all “dancing” in the woods. Soon after, a person went unconscious, sparking the witchcraft accusations. Unhealthy class struggles has caused each family to accuse their rivals of witchcraft, expanding the Salem Witch Trials, and worsening their own struggles. The Crucible does exhibit an inter-familial conflict over property borders between Proctors and the Putnams. The Putnam has used the Trials to remove the Proctors from their lands. In the end, it would worsen family conflicts if the witch trials get involved in their inter-familial

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