
John Locke's Second Treatise Of Government

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New England was fed up with the Church of England and the Puritans wanted to recreate their own religion which they thought was more what God had believed was the intended belief. They both decided that neither of them like the way England was set up and said that England was no good for their beliefs. They planned to leave England and go to the new world to set up a life where their children had the chance to be raised in a perfect society with no corruption. Concentrated on town life and industries, they made a living off of fishing, whaling and shipbuilding. Whale oil was key because it made their lamps. Farming was useful for crops like wheat but corn, pumpkin and beans were planted because they were able to grow in the poor soil they had. …show more content…

The rights he thought were inalienable was the right to life, liberty and property, he choose property because he thought if you have your own land you can make their own happiness,Later Thomas Jefferson turned it into Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are the rights he thought you do not have to give up to the government because those are your rights as a citizen. People have noted that phrases from Locke’s Second Treatise of Government was found in the Declaration of INdependence. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet that stated reasons why they should break away from the British rule and since the Declaration was a list of reasons why the New World should break away from Great Britain, it helped establish the Declaration of …show more content…

Explain the significance of the Battles of Saratoga and Yorktown on the outcome of the Revolutionary War. (7-10 sentences) The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle that helped end the war. The British had lost a lot more soldiers than the French and the AMericans which caused them to give in to Washington. It caused them to end with a peace negotiation, which is know as the Treaty of Paris. The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the war, when the battle was over the Americans had lossless men than the British and most of the soldiers that were still alive were captured. This battle helped stop the British from advancing and made their general

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