
Lady Macbeth Forceful Character

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The Tragedy of Macbeth wrote by William Shakespeare toke place in Scotland during the eleventh century; when Vikings were still ruling Scotland. During this time daily life was a struggle. All the strength of the Scots were spent fighting each other and the Vikings. At the beginning, Macbeth is in a civil war. He kills Macdonwald and captures Thane of Cowdar. The Thane of Cowdar is to be executed and Macbeth was to receive the title. Lady Macbeth wants her husband to become king because she thinks he deserves it, so she wants King Duncan dead. The couple plans to murder the king in his sleep. Lady Macbeth is the more forceful character because, she wants Duncan killed and she talks Macbeth into doing it, even though, he does not want to. …show more content…

Lady Macbeth wanted to kill King Duncan and for Macbeth to become king. She fears that her husband does not have what it takes to murder King Duncan for the title. Lady Macbeth says " Yet I do fear thy nature:/ It is too full of the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way" (1.5.15-17) finding that her husband is to kind and noble to murder for the crown. She found herself getting mad when Macbeth asks her "If we should fail?" (1.7.59.). She convinced him " and we 'll not fail" (1.7.61.). Her wanting of murder reflects her cruel attitude towards life. She asks the deadly thoughts to "unsex" her and to "fill" her "from the crown to the toe" (1.6.40-41). Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth does not have what it takes and thinks that he will back out of the murder. "Only look up clear./ To alter favor ever is to fear./ Leave all the rest to me" (1.6.70-73) he could not handle the murder, so she told him to just worry about clearing his conscience. Lady Macbeth is a very forceful character toward …show more content…

He wants Duncan 's position as king. The only way of Macbeth becoming king is to murder Duncan, but he feared getting caught. "But here, upon this bank and school of time, we 'd jump the life to come" (1.7.6-7), he was fearing that he would go to hell for the sin he would be committing. "But in these cases/ We still have judgement here" (1.7.7-8), he was worried about getting judged by the people for the murder of their king. Macbeth feared they would fail, and if they do not fail; he fears people demanding revenge. Macbeth does not kill if he does not have to, that was his reasoning for capturing the Thane of Cowdar. He was a kinsman and subject of Duncan; Also Duncan 's host when Duncan came to visit Macbeth 's castle. Macbeth explains that Duncan was a great king "this Duncan/ Hath borne his faculties so meek hath been/ so clear in his great office" (1.7.16-18). Lady Macbeth came up with the idea of getting the guards drunk and blaming them for the murder. Macbeth likes the idea of the guards getting blamed for the murder, he committed. Macbeth is not very forceful, Lady Macbeth is more forceful than him.

Lady Macbeth is the more forceful character, because she wants Duncan killed and she talks Macbeth into doing it, even though, he does not want to. Macbeth was supposed to receive the Thane of Cowdar 's title, once he was executed. That was not enough for Lady Macbeth, she wanted Macbeth to be the King of Scotland. In the end

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