Least Favorite Part Of Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

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Favorite Part: Mr. Robinson’s Murder - The Trio’s Return (Action, Adventure, Plot) Least Favorite Part: Summary: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain, is a story about a 12 year old boy named Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is a troublesome boy that lives with his aunt Polly because his mother is dead. Tom directs a lot of his trouble-making towards his aunt which annoys her. To punish him, Polly makes him paint her fence white. Tom is very clever though, and by making it seem that it is fun, he tricks his friends into painting the fence. After they finish, Aunt Polly lets Tom go play with his friends. He sees a girl named Becky. Tom really likes her. Then he goes home and Aunt Polly punishes him because she believes he broke her sugar …show more content…

Although she thinks about it, Aunt Polly didn’t say any words of apology. Tom sees his friend Huckleberry Finn. They plan to have a meeting at midnight. Tom goes to school and sees Becky again. He wants her to be his girlfriend, but she says no because she finds out that he was once in a relationship with another girl in the class. When Tom and Huck meet at midnight, they go to the graveyard. When they arrive, they see three men robbing a grave. Their names are Muff Potter, Injun Joe, and Dr. Robinson. Potter and Injun Joe were employed by Dr. Robinson to rob the grave. They refuse to do it unless he pays them a larger sum of money. They break out into a fight. Dr. Robinson hits Potter in the head with the gravestone and while Robinson was recovering, Injun Joe stabbed him with Potter’s knife. Using the fact that he had been drinking prior to, Injun Joe convinces Potter that he killed Robinson by telling him that after he was hit by the tombstone, he got back up and stabbed Dr. Robinson. Tom and Huckleberry saw all of the …show more content…

After sneaking to her house, he finds out that she is sick. He is torn up about this. Another thing is, his Aunt Polly thinks he is sick and makes him take painkiller. Tom, Huckleberry Finn and their friend Joe Harper run away. Tom ran because of these events, Joe for similar reasons, and they decided to invite Huckleberry. After searching for the boys, the town believes they are dead. They return out of home-sickness and guilt just as their funerals are beginning. Being proclaimed dead, when they entered the church, everyone was in shock. Then, a quick series of events happens. Tom earns Becky’s admiration after taking the blame for ripping a book, Summer comes, Tom reveals that Injun Joe murdered Mr. Robinson at Muff Potter’s trial, Injun escapes, and Tom and Huck decide to go hunting for treasure. After going to what appears to be an abandoned shack, they see Injun Joe and a man with a chest of golden coins. After spending a night in the shack, they hide the gold and leave. Tom and Huck look for it. They don’t find it, but decide to find where they are most likely keeping it, “No. 2”. Then Tom goes out looking for what “No. 2” is. He finds out that it is most likely a shady room in a tavern. Huck decides to watch Injun Joe to see where he goes and to confirm if the shady room is “No. 2”. After accidentally opening the door (as it was unlocked) Tom sees Injun Joe asleep. Scared to death, Tom doesn’t bother to

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