
Madness And Obsession In Tell-Tale Heart

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In the, Tell-tale Heart, Poe’s central ideas of madness and obsession are supported by his use of point-of-view, repetition, and punctuation. Poe’s use of a first- person point of view helps the readers understand the central idea of madness. The narrator states, “How then, am I mad?... observe how healthily-how calmly I can tell you the whole story”. By allowing the readers into the narrators mind, they can clearly notice that the narrator is insane and unstable. Throughout the story, the central idea of obsession is created but is emphasized by the author’s use of punctuation. A quote that proves this is,” It grew louder-louder-louder!...They heard! - They suspected! - they knew!” The narrator’s use of dashes and exclamations shows the narrators obsession with the old man and his heartbeat. By repeating certain words, Poe helps establish the central idea of obsessions in …show more content…

Dickinson’s use of repetition and onomatopoeia helps show just how mad the narrator really is. It is stated,” Kept beating-beating- till I thought my mind was going numb”. The narrator is hearing noises that aren’t really there like the “beating” of a drum which supports the idea she is crazy. The first person point of view helps show that apparent funeral that is taking place inside of her mind. She states,” I felt a funeral, in my Brain… And then I heard them life a Box, And creak across my Soul”. The reader can understand that the narrator isn’t really attending a funeral, but is instead comparing her losing her sense and sanity to a death at a funeral. Her use of punctuation also showcases how mad she is. A quote that supports this is,” And Being, but an Ear, And I, and Silence, some strange Race”. Dickinson is giving making the ear a person as if to say she only listens but she is silent and is unable to express

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