
Maltreatment In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Think of this, what if you had been taken away from your home, separated from your family, getting everything valuable taken away from you and even having no rights whatsoever? What would you feel? Feel despair, helplessness, or just the feeling of insincerity haunting you in this horrendous circumstance. Well this occurred to Elie Wiesel at just 15 years old, when he and his family were deported in the year 1944 by the German SS officers and police, they went from Sighet to Auschwitz. A concentration camp that will forever be endured within him throughout his life. Not only for him, but for the fellow Jews who had to go through this maltreatment as well. The maltreatment that left people to die without any cause, but just because they were …show more content…

Throughout this scene the officers were lashing out with their clubs towards people, “Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!” The Hungarian police were screaming (Night 19). This quote demonstrates how the SS officers aren’t showing any respect towards the jews and are treating them in a bad manner. Many are getting insulted by the officers calling them lazy and good-for-nothings like if they weren’t people and just animals. This shows how the policemen were overpowering against them, especially with the way they were speaking and tormenting all the jews. Not even a formal greeting towards them, just malignant at first sight. Getting lashed out by a club is something that shows persecution towards the people just because they weren’t moving faster than how the policemen wanted them …show more content…

They had to give their age and profession which led the baton to choose whether they were going to the left or right and either meant you were going to the prison or the crematorium. To the left was the crematorium that looked like huge flames rising from the ditch and something burning from that side, “I did see this, with my own eyes…children thrown into the flames” (Wiesel 32). This quote strongly demonstrates dehumanization through the actions of throwing a baby, not even a child yet, to the flames and killing them. No humanity is being shown throughout this camp and the SS officers are showing no pity towards these babies. Along with getting chosen which route jews shall go, they still don't have any right to speak up about it. This emphasizes that jews don’t have their rights anymore and have to admire the horrible things they will do to many in that

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