Aparigrahmacharya Case Study

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1.Yama: universal morality
Ahimsa – Compassion for all living things the word ahimsa literally means not to injure or show cruelty to any person in any way whatsoever. It means kindness, friendliness, and thoughtful consideration of other people and things.
Satya – Commitment to truthfulness -Satya means “to speak the truth “, yet it is always desirable to speak the truth on all occasions, for it could harm someone unnecessarily. we have to consider what we say, how we say it, and in what way it could affect others.
Asteya- Non-stealing
Steya means “to steal “ asteya is the opposite to take nothing that does not belong to us . This also means that if we are in a situation where someone entrusts something to us or confides in us , we do not …show more content…

Brahmacharya suggests that we should form relationship that fosters our understanding of the highest truths.
Aparigraha – Neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth
Aparigraha means to take only what is necessary, and not to take advantage of a situation or act greedy.

2.Niyama: Personal Observances
Niyama means “rules” or “laws”. These are the rules prescribed for personal observance. Like the yama , the five niyama’s are not exercises or actions to be simply studied . They represent far more than an attitude.
Sauca – Purity
The first niyama is sauca, meaning purity and cleaniness .Sauca has both an inner and an outer aspect. Outer cleaniness simply means keeping ourselves clean. Inner cleaniness has as much to do with the healthy, free functioning of our bodily organs as with the clarity of our mind. Santosa – Contentment Another niyama is santosa , modesty and the feeling of being content with what we have . Tapas – Disciplined use of our energy
Tapas refer to the activity of keeping the body fit or to confront and handle the inner urges without outer show. Literally it means to heat the body and by so doing, to cleanse …show more content…

Sva means “selfadhaya means “inquiry “or “examination “. Any activity that cultivates self- reflective consciousness can be considered svadhaya.
Isvarapranidhana – Celebration of the spiritual
Isvarapranidhana means “to lay all actions at the feet of God”. It is the contemplation on God (isvara) in order to become attuned to god and god’s will.

3.Asanas (Body postures):
Asana is the practice of physical postures. It is the most commonly known aspect of yoga for those unfamiliar with the other seven limbs of patanjali’s Yoga Sutra .The practice of moving a body into postures has widespread benefits ; of these the most underlying are improved health , strength , balance and flexibility .

4.Pranayama (Breath Control):
Pranayama is the measuring, control, and directing of the breath. Pranayama controls the energy (prana ) within the organism , in order to restore and maintain health and to promote evolution . When the in – flowing breath is neutralized or joined with the out – flowing breath, then perfect relaxation and balance of body activities are realized.

5.Pratayahara (Control of the

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