
Pros And Cons Of Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline

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Canada should not allow The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline to go through as it poses to many environmental and ecological risks. Pristine areas across central and northern BC, including the Great Bear Rainforest, are under threat if the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline is put into service. In the end, the concerns over the BC pipeline outweigh the possible benefits the pipeline may result in. The Canadian oil and gas company Enbridge, proposed the Northern Gateway project as a solution to transport 525,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The companies $7.9-billion plan is to build two pipelines stretching 1,177-km between the Alberta oil sands and the West Coast; from there it would be shipped to international markets in Asia and the northwestern …show more content…

Canada is a country that is recognized for its ecosystem and environmental wonders; including our rainforest, wildlife, and water bodies. The threat of Enbridge potentially causing irreversible damage to Canadian land is terrifying to many residents and not worth the …show more content…

For a little more than a decade the forest products industry, First Nations, Green Peace and the government of British Columbia have been trying to put into action a set of agreements that are aimed at protecting the Great Bear Rainforest. Although in the past the government of British Columbia has played a central role in protecting a significant amount of the Great Bear Rainforest it has remained silent on the Enbridge pipeline proposal, this to environmentalists is concerning and odd. As of right now the Enbridge project is still in its early stages and can still be defeated. 80 percent of the BC population wonders how the BC Government will meet its past commitments to protect the rainforest without being active in opposition of the Northern Gateway pipeline. Those who are in opposition of the pipeline can only hope and attempt to persuade the BC government to join the huge majority of British Columbian’s in demanding a stop to the construction and operation of the Enbridge Northern Gateway

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