Red Knots: Article Analysis

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In the article, Sufficiency of Horseshoe Crab Eggs for Red Knots during Spring Migration Stopover in Delaware Bay USA, it is argued that the survival of Red Knots is reliant on the nutrition of horseshoe crab eggs. However, it appears that the overharvesting of the horseshoe crab eggs dictate the Red Knot population during their spring stopover. The management of horseshoe crab eggs will ensure the availability to Red Knots, which are dependent on them for endurance during their migratory flight to the Artic. During the 1990’s it was discovered that a decline in the population of Red Knots occurred, simultaneously with the decline of horseshoe crab eggs. It was hypothesized that this event was significant and was the cause of the waning population of Red Knots. The Red Knots main dietary staple is horseshoe crab eggs and the nutrition provided …show more content…

By creating experimental beach scenarios, negative and standard, Karpanty, et al, increased and decreased the amount of surface eggs to compare the availability and sufficiency to refuel Red Knots in the Delaware Bay area. They were able to determine that horseshoe crab eggs were sufficient and that Red Knots were not excluded when aggressive shorebirds also foraged on the experimental beach areas. The feeding times were mainly during the day and until high tide. It was observed that Red Knots foraged in high-density areas and along the wrack line, where horseshoe crab eggs were visible and easily accessible. Once that area was depleted, the Red Knots would move on to other horseshoe crab nesting areas. It was also observed that there was no decline in horseshoe crabs and in fact, the population has held steady with the likelihood of

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