
Research Paper On Night By Elie Wiesel

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“What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands.” (Simon Wiesenthal) Genocides have been going on for years and years to come, the murder, the starvation, the manipulation, and, the constant fear. During the time of the Holocaust, genocides were striking and seemed to never come to an end. There are many genocides and many things that happen during a genocide. The book Night and the Sayfo genocide are ideal examples. The book Night is about Elie Wiesel and his experience living through the Holocaust and his life inside a concentration camp in Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Elie was a Jewish teenager who grew up in Hungary and was sent to a concentration camp in the 1940s. He starts to doubt his religious beliefs after everything that happened during the Holocaust. The prisoners around him lose their faith and humanity. The Syfo genocide began in 1914 and ended about a year later in 1915. The Sayfo or the Seyfo, also known as the Assyrian genocide, was the mass slaughter and deportation of Assyrian and Syriac Christians in southeastern Anatolia and Persia during World War I. …show more content…

“According to the Secretary-General, the restoration of the national judicial system had suffered delays as a result of constitutional, administrative, and human resources constraints, with the prison population swelling to nearly 60,000.” (United Nations Publications) In the Sayfo genocide, there were high prison populations because of faults in their judicial system, their government began to fall apart. World war II was more intense than the sayfo genocide, in sayfo 300,000 people were killed and in world war, II 35,000,000 to 60,000,000 people died. “Fifteen.” “No You’re eighteen.” “Fool listen to what I say.” (Wiesel 30) In Night they had to be within a certain age gap or they would be killed because they killed infants and used them as shooting targets or would put them in

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