
Summary Of The Black Woman In Contemporary America By Shirley Chisholm

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In 1974 Shirley Chisholm was picked to be the keynote speaker at a national conference for black women at the University of Missouri. In her speech "The Black Woman in Contemporary America" Chisholm expresses to her audience that black women are not interested in being addressed as "Ms." or in gaining more control over things than males, but rather African American women's top priority is the well-being of their families and communities. Being that this speech was giving during the era of the Civil Rights movement, Chisholm criticized white feminist.While she went into depth of how important it is for black and white women to unite around issues such as equal treatment, women's rights, and better job opportunities. The main focus of this speech …show more content…

She also talks on how women have acquired leadership capabilities that if shown, would demonstrate the workings behind womanhood. At the same time, she scolded African American men that suggested black women step aside to allow them to take leadership and handle every economic aspect of their lives. Instead of getting riled up because of these comments, Chisholm calmly emphasized on the matter that only by working together could things get better. By seeing each other as" equals" black men and women create the policies and up to par standards needed by their …show more content…

Being that Chisholm is a strong black woman herself, she expresses that women have a voice that needs to be heard. She says that if women can take care of households " hold up and be strong behind their man," why women can't lead themselves. Chisholm refers to the 1970's as a time when society filled with the thoughts of sexism and racism, two factors that automatically denoted a woman. Instead of looking down on women, Chisholm was holding up the characteristics that woman poses, which can play to the strengths and advantages for the black community. However, being that black women being looked upon as the "lowest form" of the existence to the rest of society, they are forced to be in the back

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