The Wasteland Analysis

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Concept of Time and history in The Wasteland In Eliot’s poem The Wasteland past is an integral dimension which he uses as to make a stark difference between understanding of time and his idea of temporality.The poem is a vision of sterility in human and natural life.In the poem Eliot connects the glories of the past with the degenerate contemporary society.Eliot experiments with the idea of time. The first seven lines indicates how Eliot has used present and past to represent the human conditons.
April is the cruellest month,breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land,mixing
Memory and desire,stirring
Dull roots with spring rain .
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow,feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
The poem starts with generalisation …show more content…

“The poem is about a consciousness full of fragments of past significance which haunt it like ghosts, perplexing,confusing,perhaps holding out the hope of somethinh to pursue”(Scottfield ,130).
The poem is not the romanticisation of the past but the poet wants us to feel the loss of intensity of life which is culturallly and traditionally barren .There is a decay of faith and religion and men has lost passion and emotion which has made the society a unfit place to live as everything has become mechanical. Even sex relationship does not give any pleasure sex is commmercialised as it is very evident in the relationship between typist and clerk. Every emotion has become artifical and Eliot has compared humans to animals. Lust and sexuality are dominating men’s life

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