T. S. Eliot Essays

  • Modernism In T. S Eliot

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    complete break with the contemporary poetry. When eliot appeared on the scene , English poetry was dominated by the Georgian poets who tried to carry on the Victorian romantic tradition .Eliot revolted against the Georgian school of poetry as it ignored the complexities of the new age , and played on the lowest artistic responses of a large audience. georgian poetrt was external and fit to be communicated to the public and against this sort of poetry . eliot advocated and practiced poetry which was inner

  • Critical Analysis Of T. S Eliot In A Nutshell

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    T S Eliot in a Nutshell • Biographical detail Thomas Stearns Eliot (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965), most commonly known as T.S Eliot is a towering figure of the twentieth century who has taken up various roles in his literary career as an essayist, playwright, publisher as well as a literary and social critic in English literary field. To add an extra feather to his literary achievement, Eliot was awarded the Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 for his immense innovation

  • T. S. Eliot Influence On Society

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    Beside a great man there’s a great woman Thomas Steams Eliot, better known as T.S. Eliot, born in London on 1888, is nowadays considered as a pioneer and great contributor to modern poetry, he even won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957…But did he did this alone? Anyone or anything helped him? Everything surrounding an author interferes in a positive or negative way in his work. T.S. Eliot met in 1915 a very vivacious woman, also a writer, named Vivienne Haigh-Wood, with the one he felt in love

  • Literary Criticism In The Wasteland, By T. S. Eliot

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    T.S. Eliot was born in 1888; he was an essayist, poet, literary and social critic and is viewed as one of the greatest modernist writers of his time. His poem, “The Wasteland” is considered to be one of the most important modernist poems of the twentieth century and reflects the supposedly fragile psychological state of humanity in this time. Eliot wrote “The Wasteland” during an era in human history that was unlike any other that had come before. World War 1, also known as the Great War was one

  • Loss Of Religion In The Hollow Men By T. S. Eliot

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    In his poem “The Hollow Men,” T. S. Eliot implies that with a loss of religion comes a loss of substance, purpose, and even humanity. Beginning the poem, Eliot compares the “hollow men” to scarecrows in order to characterize the men, as is in their name, as hollow and void of substance. Most apparent is when the speaker describes, “We are the stuffed men/ Leaning together/ Headpiece filled with straw” (4-6). Scarecrows are a symbol synonymous with emptiness, with their straw insides. Eliot’s symbol

  • Comparing The Love Song Of Alfred Prufrock By T. S. Eliot

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    T.S Eliot was a British author who was born in St. Louis Missouri. He was known for writing so many poems. But one of his poems that made him famous was “The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock” which appear in poetry in 1915. This poem was written during the modernism literary period. His poems were influenced by his personal background and the modernist literary, which has contributed to the American literary heritage. WW1 was also incorporated and some other historical events. We can also say that his

  • Prufrock By T. S. Eliot: Literary Analysis

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    T.S. Eliot uses literary devices such as repetition, allusions, and imagery to characterize Prufrock as being lonely and socially anxious, while also being a procrastinator and having low self-esteem, which overall conveys his indecisiveness and inability to act on what he thinks is important. The first part of the poem from lines 1 to 23 illustrates Prufrock’s loneliness and isolation from the rest of society. T.S. Eliot begins the poem with an allusion to Dante’s Inferno. His epigraph is a quote

  • Studying The Themes Of The Hollow Men By T. S. Eliot

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    characteristics of modernity are: pessimism, frustration, isolation, total sense of loss; modern writers had no sense of purpose, the anxiety of uncertainty, meaninglessness, no values and miscommunication. The Hollow Men (1925) is a poem written by T.S. Eliot. Its themes are, like many of Eliot’s poems, absurdity, fragmentation and overlapping, but it is crucial to connect this poem most with the World War 1 which caused the dark view since wars cause destruction and frustration. Moreover, the difficulty

  • The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock By T. S. Eliot

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    In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" T.S. Eliot portraits the typical twentieth century transformed modern city, which in the eyes of the protagonist, Alfred Prufrock, is marked by alienation, loneliness, paralysis and repression of society. The poem is written in the form of dramatic monologue accompanied by a recurrent use of metaphoric language and repetition of ideas, which reveal Prufrock’s perception of the city while unveiling his persona. Thereby, Prufrock invites his audience to follow

  • The Love Song Of Alfred Prufrock By T. S. Eliot

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    The author T.S. Eliot was in my opinion a highly educated man looking at his educational background. For reference Eliot attended Harvard for both his undergraduate and graduate degrees. Not to mention Eliot studied abroad in Paris as well. However, Eliot could not have been able to receive such high education if it were not for his parents who had good jobs and provided Eliot with a comfortable upbringing. Likewise in terms of having wealthy people of high attainments in one’s life, Eliot’s grandfather

  • Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock And Prelude By T. S. Eliot

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    T.S Eliot, an influential poet who had shaped the preconceived notion conveyed through the arts of his poetry. Eliot’s poem conveys the complexity of human desire, simultaneously exploiting the tension of human suffering. Moreover, Eliot explores the the concept of identity to create a deep connection to create an insight with the poet’s mind and overall, his character. This is conveyed through the poems, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Prelude, ultimately expressing the confronting experiences

  • The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, By T. S. Eliot

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    From the poem, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, T.S. Eliot’s portrayal of reality and the ambiguities of human existence has influenced my perception of the world. The lines, “Do I dare/Disturb the universe?/In a minute there is time/ For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse,” compel readers to question our purpose in life. Most individuals can relate to Prufrock, the poem’s main character; he admits to his shortcomings and dissatisfaction of his existence, acknowledging how

  • The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock, By T. S. Eliot

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    Not all love songs have a happy ending after all. The poem, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” by T.S. Eliot showcases diction, imagery, and allusion to express the speaker’s complex attitude towards his life. In this poem Prufrock is portrayed as a sad and tormented man that simply doesn’t have the courage to act on his desires. J. Alfred Prufrock is a timid, overcautious middle-aged man that walks through the streets of a shabby part of a city, to get to a social gathering were women “come

  • The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Essay

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    of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, it seems as if everyone sees it as something else. How is this possible? T. S. Eliot was a brilliant writer, and he wrote this peom in a way that would be hard to understand and interpret. Eliot wanted the people reading it to come up with their own way of descerning what it ment. Many may argue, that their view of the poem is correct, but Eliot would have to disagree. People have been trying to give advice to Prufrock, and in turn, reflect that advice upon

  • What Is The Mood Of Rhapsody On A Windy Night

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    representatives of these movements created powerful images, metaphors and similes to give a powerful twist to their works. These movements influenced T. S. Eliot, considered to have developed imagism to new heights, which is especially apparent in his poem “Rhapsody on a Windy Night”. Melancholy and darkness make their way from every line of the work. From the beginning, Eliot hints that the protagonist walks through the night, under the “lunar synthesis” and

  • T. S. Eliot's The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock And The Waste Land

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    Modernism was a period in the early twentieth century that often dates back to the publication of T. S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” This movement broke the traditional ways of form, concepts, and style found in poetry and allowed poets to freely express their ideas and beliefs through various ways such as free verse, fragmentation, allusions, imagery etc. T.S. Eliot is known for modernizing himself on his own by using fragments that incorporate multiple voices into his work. Eliot’s

  • The Burial Of The Dead And A Game Of Hamlet

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    on the world for its full regards or none. Modernist writers like T. S. Eliot and William Carlos Williams explained the deepness a human can feel when alive and/or dead, inside or outside. Eliot showed these deprivations in his famous poem, “The Waste Land,” specifically with “The Burial of the Dead” and “A Game of Chess.” Williams directly told his readers the abstracts of the world in its involvement in a person’s life, unlike Eliot. These two writers shared the memos of the modern people away from

  • Literary Analysis Of The Wasteland

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    Literary Analysis A poem in fragments is the manner in which author T.S. Eliot describes his remarkable work The Waste Land. The Waste Land is esteemed as a modernist text for that it is labor intensive pushing past the previous genres, leaving behind the democracy and wistfulness of Whitman and Realism 's weight on reality and realness with innovative thoughts of money, intimacy, intellect, industry and individualism. The Wasteland contains five spasmodic divisions designed each in separate sections

  • Alfred Prufrock Allusions

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    things, but have all the time in the world to. In “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, that’s just the case. This poem was written about a man looking back on his life. This man, J. Alfred Prufrock, seemingly regrets not doing things, such as finding love, while he still had the chance. Throughout the poem, Prufrock is hesitant about love because he wants something meaningful for himself. T.S. Eliot uses literary devices like allusion and imagery to not only express the meaning, but to

  • Essay On Modern Poetry

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    juxtaposition, inter-textuality and allusion. It has no proper beginning, middle or end. Thirdly, modern poetry is predominantly intellectual in its appeal, rather than emotive. Fourthly, modern poetry involved symbolism, greatest example being T.S. Eliot and W.B. Yeats. Lastly, modern poetry is impersonal, anti-romantic, and innovative in attitude and approaches to life. It opposed to romantic poetry of spontaneity and imagination. William Butler Yeats was born on June13, 1865,