
Theme Of Poverty In The Great Gatsby

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In the 1920’s, social classes were divided with a large gap. The poor wanted nothing to do with the rich, and the rich wanted even less to do with the poor. In the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he uses the class structure in the 1920’s to redefine poverty. While the rich people in the novel are material rich, they are still “poor” socially and psychologically. Poverty is shown in a differently in this book than other books being written in this time era, and in doing this, it shows the rich what they are, and how they treat others from a different perspective. Claire Shalinsky wrote an article titled “The Problem of Poverty in Gatsby”, and she explains how throughout the book, Jay Gatsby is picked apart, so we can see past …show more content…

The website wordpress made an article about the social classes in the Great Gatsby, talking about the differences and similarities that both social classes in the book have with each other, from the good things, to all their flaws. “All the characters do not suffer due to lack of funds in life, but from key dimensions within themselves”(wordpress, Poverty in Great Gatsby). All of the characters in the Great Gatsby have some form of funds in their life, but each of them are devoid of certain key aspects of their personality. One of them could have a lack of social wealth, such as Jay Gatsby. Everyone is wealthy and poor, and when this was brought out to the public when this novel was published, this redefined poverty, and wealth as a whole. In the novel itself, Gatsby in the end is poor, just as he was when he was born. “Gatsby’s house was still empty when I left- the grass on his lawn had grown as long as mine”(Fitzgerald, pg 179). Jay Gatsby was born a poor man, and even though he rose up in his social class to be one with the rich, powerful people of the time, he was still a poor man. There is a big difference in the social class in the 1920’s, that nobody could escape

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