
Turning Points In Julius Caesar's History

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The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and successful nations in world history. A large part of the empire’s success was due to their superior military, including their intense training and cunning tactics. The notable wars that will be discussed were turning points in Rome’s history, and helped shaped the empire to become one of the most powerful, and influential, civilizations that have ever been studied. To become a Roman soldier, one first had to reach the necessary level of training. Roman soldiers focused on fitness in order to withstand any physical obstacles in battle. For example, at a military-training camp that was located by a body of water, it was mandated that recruits swim (romanempire.net). The recruits …show more content…

Caesar’s Civil War was more or less a revolution than a war. It involved Caesar’s political supporters and his legions. Caesar suppressed the rebellion with ease at the Battle of Munda. This short, yet significant conflict leads to Caesar’s rank of dictator. Seventeen years later, the final war of the Roman Republic erupted. The war was between Mark Antony and Octavian. With the declaration of war on Cleopatra, the Egyptian Queen, Antony made a bold decision. He decided to abandon Rome and join Cleopatra. Octavian took note of the betrayal and defeated Cleopatra and Antony at the battle of Actium, causing them retreat to Alexandria. However, Octavian outsmarted them and seized Alexandria until both Mark Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide. Octavian became highly regarded throughout Rome and would transition the Republic into an Empire. Many years later, in 66 A.D., a Jewish uprising against Rome occurred in Judea. Unexpectedly, the Jews were able to dispatch and remove the Romans from Jerusalem. However, Roman emperors Nero and Titus were confident to destroy the Jews. The two forces met in Galilee, where Josephus led the Jews. The confrontation was quickly ended when the Romans destroyed the fortress of Jatapata. Josephus surrendered and in 70 A.D., Jerusalem collapsed along with the burning of its

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