
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Ryan Goodwin 04/04/23 The right one The people that caused the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet are the two lovers themselves.The tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous and heart-wrenching love stories in literature. The two young lovers died because of a series of unfortunate events and decisions made by several characters. While it is tempting to point fingers and assign blame, it is clear that multiple individuals contributed to the tragedy.One of the most significant characters responsible for the tragedy is Friar Laurence. He was the one who agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet secretly, hoping that their union would end the feud between their families. However, Friar Laurence's plan for the marriage was flawed from the …show more content…

Friar Laurence's actions were reckless and irresponsible, and he should have known better than to meddle with the lives of two young lovers.The two lovers themselves also share some of the blame for their deaths. Although they were deeply in love, Romeo and Juliet's impulsive behavior and hasty decisions led to their tragic end. Romeo's decision to kill Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, in a fit of rage, led to his banishment from Verona. Juliet's decision to take the potion without telling Romeo was also a rash move that contributed to the tragedy. If the two lovers had been patient and rational, they may have found a way to be together without resorting to such drastic measures.The families of Romeo and Juliet also played a role in the tragedy. The two families were long-time rivals, and their feud prevented Romeo and Juliet from being together openly. The Capulets forced Juliet to marry Paris, and the Montagues were unable to accept their son's love for a Capulet. If the families had put aside their differences and accepted the love between Romeo and Juliet, the tragedy could have been avoided.In conclusion, the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was the result of the …show more content…

The feud between the Capulet and Montague families is the central conflict in the play. This feud prevented Romeo and Juliet from being together openly and forced them to resort to desperate measures to be together. The hatred between the families also led to a series of violent events, including the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt, which further escalated the tension.The impulsive nature of Romeo and Juliet also contributed to the tragic ending of the play.The two lovers acted on their emotions without considering the consequences of their actions. Romeo, in particular, acted impulsively when he killed Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, in a fit of rage. This act led to his banishment from Verona and set in motion the events that ultimately led to the tragic ending.Friar Laurence's interference also played a role in the tragic ending of the play. The friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet secretly, hoping to end the feud between the families. However, his plan for the marriage was flawed from the start. He gave Juliet a potion to make her appear dead, knowing that Romeo would not be able to receive his message that Juliet was still alive. This plan ultimately led to the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. In conclusion, the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet was the result of a combination

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