Authorial intentionality Essays

  • Descartes Comparing Foucault's Discipline And

    1313 Words  | 6 Pages

    The modern era can be categorized as a period in which power, and its structures, dispersed. No longer could one identify discrete institutions, organizations, or individuals who held a majority of power over the common people. While in the past, feudalism, the church, and the king governed much of an individual’s conduct, the modern era, marked by the emergence of modern, industrial capitalism, diffused this power among many different institutions, organizations, and individuals. Foucault’s Discipline

  • Consciousness In The Mind Vs Searle's Argument

    706 Words  | 3 Pages

    Consciousness in the Mind versus the Computer: Searle’s Argument There is a view in philosophy that the brain and artificial intelligence are one in the same thing, this theory is called Computational Theory of Mind. It proposes that the human mind is an information processing system, thinking is just computing because the theory also says that the brain is just a computing machine. One philosopher Searle calls this “strong artificial intelligence,” or A1. The consequence to this view is that the

  • Principles Of Interpersonal Communication

    1749 Words  | 7 Pages

    Interpersonal Communication Introduction Communication is simply the act of exchanging information from one place to another. Interpersonal communication is the method by which people exchange thoughts, feelings, and meaning in the sequence of verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication. Interpersonal communication is not just concerning what is truly said - the speech utilized - but how it is said and the non-verbal messages dispatched across tone of voice, facial expressions

  • Tsiolkas Research Paper

    2655 Words  | 11 Pages

    and the way he holds them , his gestures , limbs, gaze , thought, skin, which escape from under the identity of his substance , which like a torn sack is unable to contain them. ("Reality and its Shadow" 135) The intellectual structure of intentionality is preceded by direct sensuous contact. It is not a being-toward-death that conditions the form of the book, but the veracity of saying and unsaying whose exposure is described in directly corporeal terms, as an act denuding itself of its skin

  • Why Did Dante Choose Virgil?

    1090 Words  | 5 Pages

    When starting to read Dante’s Inferno a person is often confronted by a very distinctive kind of writing style. This writing style is distinctive of the time in which the Inferno was written estimated to be around 1314 to 1317 and of Dante himself. Dante’s writing style often takes on a longing aspect especially in his interactions with Virgil. This can lead to questions such as why did Dante compose those lines in a passage of the text that way, or why he choose a certain character. The question