Blanche Essays

  • Blanche Monologue

    585 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tennessee Williams, Stella Kowalski’s sister Blanche came to visit her in Elysian Fields and she found a man in who caught her attention. The central idea of the passage was Blanche’s overwhelming love and feelings towards Mitch, the man whom she just met in New Orleans. The author’s use of dialogue between Stella and Blanche in Scene Five of the play emphasized the love that Blanche had for Mitch and the moral support in which she received from Stella. Blanche had significant feelings for Mitch and she

  • Blanche Dubois Quotes

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    Blanche’s In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche DuBois is the main character and protagonist of the story. Blanche was a schoolteacher in Laurel, Mississippi until she got fired by her boss for having an affair with a student. Blanche tells Stanley later in the story that she lost Belle Reve, the house her and Stella grew up in, due to bankruptcy. Her husband killed himself because she caught him having an affair with another man. Blanche actively tries to persuade people that she is elegant,

  • Blanche Dubois Quotes

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    shade cover to see Blanche under full light (scene nine, page 144). "MITCH: What it means is I’ve never had a real good look at you, Blanche. Let’s turn the light on here. BLANCHE: [fearfully]: Light? Which light? What for? MITCH: This one with the paper thing on it. [He tears the paper lantern off the light bulb. She utters a frightened gasp.] BLANCHE: What did you do that for? MITCH: So I can look at you good and plain!” (Williams 144). Motif Throughout the play, Blanche avoids light; she prefers

  • Blanche Vs Stanley

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    main characters that dominate the spotlight with their opposing views. When Stella’s sister, Blanche, comes to town she disrupts everything that has been perfect for Stanley. Stanley and Blanche seem like night and day, but they correlate very well. During the play we see Blanche and Stanley in a sort of power struggle over Stella. Whether Stanley disagrees with Blanches sophisticated lifestyle, or Blanche calls Stanley an ape, they both crave a peaceful lifestyle, love and to be a controlling figure

  • Blanche And Stella's Relationship

    1492 Words  | 6 Pages

    In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, Stella and Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski are the three main characters. Blanche desperately relies on her sister to take care of her in a time of darkness, while she intrudes into Stella and Stanley’s new life in New Orleans. Throughout the play, Stella and Stanley’s relationship is characterized as traditional, young love. On the other hand, Stella and Blanche are being brought back together by the loss of their plantation and the

  • Blanche Dubois Monologue

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    down. Blanche, Allan, and Robert, his old friend, arrive at the Moon Lake Casino. They drive past a lake and onto the sidewalk, where Blanche grinds Allan’s car to a halt. They stagger out of the vehicle and Allan and Robert’s faces are full of glee, as they giggle uncontrollably. Allan seems lifeless as he holds a bottle of red wine, the likely culprit of the crimson stain on Blanche’s favorite outfit: her white blouse. The entrance of the casino is buzzing with loud music and voices. Blanche hobbles

  • Blanche Dubois Symbolism

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    named Blanche Dubois who is described as a southern bell. She is revealed to the readers as a complex person. Desperate need of attention, Blanche who is Stella’s older sister, arrives to visit Stella and her husband, Stanley, in New Orleans. As Stanley and Blanche are introduced, he acquires a dislike for Blanche. Through a careful analysis of Blanche in Tennessee William’s A Streetcar Named Desire, one may see how her character reveals symbolism and imagery to help convey the idea that Blanche is

  • Literary Analysis Of Blanche Dubois

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    woman, Blanche DuBois, who is very secretive about her past and does not expose her true intentions of coming to live with her younger sister Stella. As the play goes on Stanley, Stella’s husband, starts to dig into the dark past that terrorizes Blanche when they begin to have a conflict with each other. In Tennessee Williams’ play, A Streetcar Named Desire Blanche Dubois

  • Research Paper On Blanche Dubois

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    importance of facing it head-on. Blanche is a complex character who uses various tactics to cope with her traumatic past and present reality. One of the primary methods she employs is the creation of illusions to escape the harshness of the world around her. Illusion plays a crucial role for the character Blanche Dubois in Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire as an example of the importance of facing reality and the consequences of trying to escape it. Blanche Dubois is a character who struggles

  • How Is Blanche Dubois Sympathetic

    680 Words  | 3 Pages

    Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, Tennessee Williams did accomplish in making Blanche Dubois, the most sympathetic character in the story. To witnessing her husband in bed with another man, from losing her job and house to being raped by her sister’s husband can make one feel sensitive and compassionate towards others experiences, like Blanche Dubois. The other characters experiences cannot measure to the same trauma Blanche Dubois has went through and that correlates to making her appear to be the

  • Blanche And Stanley Character Analysis

    318 Words  | 2 Pages

    For certain people, keeping an honest personality is difficult. Blanche and Stanley change their act depending on who is around or who they are talking to. Blanche is on his personality is ironically a compulsive liar. When she is around Stanley, she acts promiscuously. Blanche knows very well that he is her brother-in-law yet she persists to speak and act erotically seemingly it's a little avail. It is later learned that she does this because it satisfies the ego she'd adopted after a dark

  • Blanche Dubois Mental Illness

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    Blanche Dubois from A Streetcar Named Desire, is a main character that shows characteristic traits of low self esteem and a personality disorder throughout the play. Blanche is also known to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, as she blames herself for the death of her young husband, Allan. Allan commits suicide due to Blanche’s reaction to his sexual orientation. Blanche felt betrayed and unloved by Allan as she said things in anger. To escape from her reality, she often imagines herself

  • Blanche Dubois In A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Tennessee Williams introduced Blanche DuBois, who had such a horrific past that she felt as if she had to cover it up and lie to the people of whom she cared about. As a young girl, Blanche had married a boy by the name of Allan Grey, but she soon realized that he had been seeing another man. After confronting Allan about his affair, he felt ashamed and made the abrupt decision to end his life, thus causing Blanche to turn to other men for comfort. Living at the Flamingo

  • Blanche Desire Scene Of Desire

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    The audience already knows that Blanche is mentally unstable, however in this scene Tennessee Williams uses different techniques to demonstrate how the tension aggravates her case. The scene starts with Blanche dressed in a “somewhat soiled and crumpled white satin evening gown (...) placing the rhinestone tiara on her head”. Blanche is drunk and is trying to persuade herself that she is still young and beautiful by wearing a beautiful gown, however even dressed up she cannot hide her true self;

  • Summary Of Blanche In A Streetcar Named Desire

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    husband. In order to get rid of her harsh past, Blanche relies on taking hot showers in order to feel pure. As she goes on to say, “Oh, I feel so good after my long hot bath, I feel so good and cool and- rested”(). Through this symbol of showering for long periods of times, we can tell how Blanche wishes to be in control of her present life. Taking long showers signify an escape mechanism for many people who are struggling, and as we know it Blanche is struggling mentally and so she wishes to get

  • Blanche Dubois In A Streetcar Named Desire

    489 Words  | 2 Pages

    are negatively affected by their past events, such as in the case of Blanche DuBois, a character in the play, A Streetcar named Desire. Blanche DuBois’s relation to the past causes her to have pedophiliac behavior as well as flirtatious and insecure attitudes. Blanche DuBois arrives in the household of Stanley and Stella Kowalski dressed in white, the symbol of purity and innocence. She is sensitive, refined and intelligent. Blanche prefers imagination over realism, which makes her character too fragile

  • The Power Of Blanche In A Streetcar Named Desire

    575 Words  | 3 Pages

    Blanche has the most power in Tennessee William’s A Streetcar Named Desire. Her manipulative ways place her high above Stanley or any other powerful character in the book, because each time another character uses force as a means of power, she seamlessly redirects the focus to something within her own powers. Blanche’s power revolves around sex, both the gender and the physical action. She uses her feminine role as a means to deceive others and to get what she desires. Sex is what Blanche wants

  • Phenomenological Analysis Of Blanche Dubois

    1478 Words  | 6 Pages

    The character I chose to write about is Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire. From the opening scene I was intrigued by her character and was compelled almost immediately to watching her story develop and to pay close attention to her erratic behavior. Five minutes into the film and you recognize Blanche displays a wide range of emotions, and those rather quickly. What was most fascinating to me was the lack of congruence Blanche possessed between her actual self and her ideal self, therefore

  • Blanche Dubois In A Streetcar Named Desire

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    Blanche is delicate, refined and sensitive. She is cultured and intelligent and cannot stand a vulgar remark or ‘vulgar action’. She doesn't want realism, she prefers magic. She doesn't always tell the truth but tells “what ought to be the truth”. Yet she has lived a life that would make the most corrupt person seem so spineless. She is, in general someone who doesn't belong in the world of realism. She seems to belong in a world of ‘fairies’. Her character will always be at the mercy of the cruel

  • Manipulation Of Blanche In A Streetcar Named Desire

    276 Words  | 2 Pages

    How Blanche has been treating relationships in her past affects how she treats the people around her. With how she goes about with their interactions she leads to sabotaging them for herself. Her confrontation with her husband homosexuality and her own words pushing him over the edge causes her to burden herself with the blame, the only release of which is the active search for short term relationships she has with other men. She fills in the void of a close partner with ones that can fit the role