Burial Essays

  • Earth Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery In La Crosse

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    cremation does not involve the final disposition (resting place) of the deceased, you still have many options for memorializing your loved one. Oak Grove Cemetery in La Crosse, WI offers the following ideas: Earth Burial: Not all cemetery spaces are reserved for traditional casket burials. Many, including Oak Grove Cemetery, have space for cremated remains. You can also make arrangements to place an urn in a family lot which otherwise contains caskets. Scattering the Ashes: Many families scatter their

  • Home Burial And Mid-Term Break, By Seamus Heaney

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    “Home Burial” by Robert Frost and “Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney are both poems that contain death of a child, pain, and grief. By the title of “Home Burial” it gives the reader an insight that someone has been buried. However, in the poem a couple suffers from the loss of their child. The husband has buried their child in the graveyard behind their house. Furthermore, it demonstrates how one disaster can lead to another when his relationship with his wife is unstable. “Mid-Term Break” focuses

  • Mongolian Funerals Vs American Funeral Essay

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    different aspects. For example, Mongolians have a certain type of burial service called a sky burial. A sky burial is a ritual where the deceased is placed on top of a high mountain or hill and is left to be devoured by vultures. Mongolians do this because they believe vultures are sacred and are involved in the afterlife. No one actually knows how long the Mongolians have been practicing this ritual, however there is evidence of a sky burial in Gobekli Tepe. Gobekli Tepe is a famous archaeologist site

  • Cowboy Wash: The Anasazi Culture

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    Could this be due to actual evidence found? Most likely. Anasazi burials normally consist of one member situated in a specific arrangement and location and normally buried with burial goods (Walker, 1997). What was different about those burials with the disarticulated ones was that the disarticulated ones weren’t formally buried in a specific site with burial goods. The archaeologists that did find disarticulated bones found evidence of charred remains, cracked

  • Summary Of Mama Day By Gloria Naylor

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    During slavery many blacks died for various reasons and when someone would die there would be some type of proper ceremony and burial given to that person by other slaves on the plantation. Since slaves did not physically have much, the possibility of having a fancy grave marker when you died was basically impossible. This means that the slaves had to go back to their roots and come up with ways to memorialize the death of their peers by using what they had and what they knew. At Hobcaw Barony plantation

  • Fore Tribe Research Paper

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    All humans mourn their dead, but our ways of doing so can vary. Some even took it as far as eating the brains of family members that have passed away. Deep in New Guinea the, Fore tribe had a burial ritual that allowed them to eat brains. Women and children handled and prepared the brain for consumption. The Fore tribe did not know that the ritual was dangerous until an American physician by the name of Carleton Gajdusek discovered a flaw in the ritual. The brains the Fore tribe were eating were

  • Summary Of Creation Myths And Concepts About Death By Manuel Aguilar Moreno

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    In this week’s reading, “Creation Myths and Concepts about Death” by Manuel Aguilar-Moreno describes the myth of the creation of the fifth sun and how Aztecs believed that sacrifices are required to maintain the fifth sun. Likewise, the destination of the human soul was determined by the cause of death rather than the person’s attitude in life. The souls that went to Chichihuacuauchco were infants who souls would return back to earth, the souls that went to Tonatiuh-Ilhicac were warriors and mothers

  • Hale County Alabama Poem Analysis

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    man living in Alabama who steals a plank of wood in order to bury his child. He leaves his hut and his wife and steps out into the cold December air and begins to drive the plank of wood into the ground where his child resides. At the time of the burial of this Alabamian's son, the year is 1936 in the season of December. December often symbolizes the time of stagnation and death, which is a fitting for this short poem. In the year of 1936, the Great Depression was on the rise and

  • Offstage Behavior In Sophocles Antigone

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    As mentioned before, the burial styles are exceedingly different. One burial occurs secretly at night and the other is a ceremonial burial that happens during broad daylight (Kirkpatrick 406). The style of the first burial matches the personality of Ismene and the second burial matches Antigone’s personality. When Antigone is discussing her punishment with Creon, Ismene tries to take her share of the

  • How Did Creon Decide The Divine Law In Antigone

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    faced with a difficult situation. Both Antigone's brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, have died. Eteocles died defending Thebes and Polyneices died attacking it. King Creon, Antigone's uncle, forbade the burial of Polyneices because of his attack on Thebes. The King poclaimed an edict to refuse the burial of Polyneices on pain of death. Antigone, compelled by her religious conviction, choses to ignore the decree no matter the consequences. Antigone chose the gods over Creon because she was faithful to

  • The Scroll Of Hunefer: A Brief Analysis

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    the truth and right, in this case, Hunefer has lived an ethical life and is brought into the afterlife. However, if weighting unfavorable the monster would eat the heart to show that you did not live an ethical life. Their unique features towards burial were building the tombs and leaving their loved one’s or king. This pyramid protected these tombs, but it was not really protected then it should be because people would take their valuables and some were left

  • Fear Of Death In Ancient Culture

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    on in the underworld, plaques or carved stones were placed at the burial sites to remind the living of the deeds of the dead (Mark). This also continued in the form of regular visits to the burial site long after death to show further remembrance. Again, there was considerable effort needed to be put forth by the living. The rituals performed over the body took time and funds to complete. The funerary plaques placed at the burial site required craftsmanship and time. However, the most impactful

  • American Funeral Research Paper

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    The burial and funerary practices in the United States vary and often occur fairly quickly. They are generally structured and somber. Before the funeral, many people hold a viewing for the dead. This is a time for friends and family for commemorate the good times that had experienced with the individual who has passed away. The body of the deceased has been embalmed by this time and is displayed, wearing its best clothing, in a coffin for all visitors to see. Photographs of the individual may displayed

  • Arguments Against Cremation

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    000-or-more cost of a casket. Add a burial vault, and the average jumps to around $7,700. A cremation,

  • Hagia Traida Sarcophagus Analysis

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    thysiastikis ceremony and one of the best pieces of information on noble burial customs when Crete was under Mycenaean rule. The sarcophagus is on display in the Heraklion Archaeological Museum, one of the most important archaeological museums, in Greece.

  • Disposal Of Bodies In Stiff By Mary Roach

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    In the book Stiff, by Mary Roach, she shares her experiences in learning about the different disposal of bodies. The book explains that beyond a natural burial and cremation, bodies can also be disintegrated into the Earth or even turned into a tree. Although there are many alternative methods for the disposal of a body, cremation has less environmental concerns, is quicker, and is not as much money compared to most methods; therefore cremation is the most reasonable disposal of a body. Stiff explores

  • Mummification Research Paper

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    These burial rituals were especially important for pharaohs who were desperately trying to please the gods and make it to the afterlife. These rituals were often performed by professionals, making them so expensive and only able to be purchased by royalty. Burial ceremonies were thought of as a way to guide the spirit from one life to the next. They believed that each and every person’s

  • Etruscan Art And The Afterlife

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    to for use by the living. This mythological convention reoccurs in the bronze piece Chariot. Chariot has mythological depictions theorized to be of the ancient hero Achilles. Despite its extravagance it is unlikely that it was put to use until its burial with the deceased. Another example of Etruscan funerary art is Cinerary Urn. This piece displays the common convention of creating a model of the departed reclining atop the lid. Once again mythology was incorporated, and the front displays a battle

  • Essay On Jewish Funerals

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    roles in Jewish funerals, Jazz funerals, and Tibet sky burials. Religion and historical aspects influence the rituals that occur before, during, and after the body is buried. Although Jazz funerals and Tibet sky burials are practiced in specific parts of the globe they have similarities to Jewish funerals which are practiced all over because they are associated with religious customs and not a location. Throughout all facets of the three burials simplicity and community take on different forms. JEWISH

  • Arlington Cemetery Essay

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    It was the first memorial at Arlington dedicated to unknown soldiers. It was dedicated in 1866 and the sarcophagus sits on top the burial vault containing the remains of 2,111 unknown soldiers retrieved from Bull Run and the road to Rappahannock. The assumption is that the vault contains the remains of both Union and Confederate soldiers. Arlington is the resting place for more than