Controlled Substances Act Essays

  • The Controlled Substances Act 1970

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    possession of small amounts of marijuana. Started by President Richard Nixon, the War on Drugs prohibits the possession of narcotics that are considered “poisons” by the government of the United States. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 does not allow any possession of the drugs listed in the act, which includes marijuana. People deserve the right to possess marijuana because crimes related to the drug will decrease overall and those that sell the drug illegally will no longer be able to stay in

  • Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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    The war on drugs has resulted in more problems than benefits. In 1970, Congress established the Controlled Substances Act which placed several plants, drugs, and chemicals into one of five schedules related to the substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability. Marijuana was placed as a schedule I drug, which is a substance considered to have no accepted medical uses, high potential for abuse, and are deemed not safe to use. Marijuana should not be classified as

  • Adderall Should Be Banned

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    Final examinations will soon be taking place on college campuses across the United States, and on these campuses many students will resort to taking amphetamines in an effort to achieve the grades they desire. Whether they be blue, pink, or orange, there are few things in higher demand at universities during finals than these pills. Adderall, nicknamed Addy, is probably the most prominent, and is heavily relied on by students that want to speed through their remaining assignments. Despite being considered

  • Pros And Cons Of Decriminalizing Marijuana

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    The decriminalization of marijuana would be able to go two routes. First, the federal government can choose to decriminalize the drug from a Schedule 1 drug thus lowering punishments, fines, and jail time. Second, the State can choose to decriminalize the offense when a person is found in possession. This would allow local jurisdictions to handle infractions given to offenders with small amounts used for personal consumption. By decriminalizing offenders could be punished but would not earn a criminal

  • Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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    The Federal Statute governing marijuana as a Schedule 1 Drugs/Substance is flawed. Marijuana is labeled as a schedule one drug or substance. As a result of this classification, marijuana cannot be legal at the state or federal level. One part of the definition of a schedule one drug is: “no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse”, according to However, the United States is currently

  • Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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    For years now, marijuana has been labeled as a schedule 1 controlled substance; this means that it is classified in the same category as the dangerous street drug heroin. The spot on this list is a result of the United States Government prohibiting the sale and use of weed with the federal Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (Sullum 2). Removing the prohibition of marijuana in the United States would boost the economy, lower the crime rate in densely populated areas, and provide medicine to those who do not

  • Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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    In today’s world, Cannabis is considered as a schedule one drug and this is a problem and it should be legalized and regulated by the federal government and state governments. As defined by the Drug Enforcement Marijuana is a substance that has a high potential of being abused by its users and has no acceptable medical uses.[1] This drug is in the schedule one category, which means it is the same category as Heroin and Crystal Meth. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of Marijuana is “the

  • Compare And Contrast Essay: LSD Vs Psilocybin

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    LSD is a much more visual trip. As well as, a trip that last longer than psilocybin and other after effects. Dating back to 1938, a Swiss scientists, Albert Hoffman, invented LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). It is a clear, odorless and tasteless substance that is more complex than it seems. When consumed it can be taken as an oral pill, tab or liquid, but most commonly used as a tab

  • Opioid Medications: A Case Study

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    Hydrocodone and hydrocodone combination medications were rescheduled from Schedule III controlled substance to Schedule II controlled substances on October 6, 2014. This shift brought about several changes in prescribing practices and has produced several issues for patients who require pain control. Hydrocodone and hydrocodone combinations products should be reclassified as Schedule III controlled substances because patients who truly need this type of pain medication are being denied adequate pain

  • CEA A Executive Summary

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    establishment of a CEA A to serve as the Chief of its Compliance and Enforcement Branch. The CEA A will provide oversight and policy direction regarding the compliance and enforcement components of the Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Regulatory Safety Act (MAUCRSA) and CalCannabis’ regulations related to cannabis cultivation. This includes the development and implementation of policies and guidelines to ensure the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is in compliance with its mandated

  • Decriminalization Of Psychedelic Drugs

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    Psychedelic drugs include LSD (acid), MDMA (ecstasy), psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, salvia, ayahuasca, ketamine and mescaline. Psychedelic drugs have been around and used for thousands of years for religious, therapeutic, and recreational use. However, the use of psychedelic drugs have been stigmatized for people who turn to them as a medicine. There are untouched medical benefits that drug classification is keeping away from us. These drugs can assist people suffering from mental health problems like

  • House Drug Abuse Outline

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    According to the lease, smoking of any substance within the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Michigan Gamma Chapter house is a violation i. This includes bongs, vaporizers, bowls, one-hitters, etc. 1. The use of any utensil or apparatus that heats marijuana or uses a flame to “cook” the marijuana is a direct violation of contract ii. The by-laws of our fraternity also condemn the use of the controlled substance inside of a chapter facility C. Due to the city’s view of marijuana and

  • Clinical Observation

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    a day from Lucy. Because Ritalin is a controlled substance Lucy keeps it in a double locked vault. The little girls mother brings in the needed pills on a weekly basis. When the little girls mother drops off the medication, she has to go into the nurse’s to hand her pills, count the pills and witness the pills being secured. The mother then signs a document that the medication was dropped off. Lucy explained that standard orders state all controlled substances need to be secured in a double lock box

  • R. V. Yates Case Report Re: Controlled Drugs And Substances Act

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    R. v. Yates - Case Report Re: Controlled Drugs and Substances Act: Section 5(1) Trafficking Offense. Written by: John Paddit Langara - Introduction to Legal Institutions in Canada. Final Writing Assignment Professor Murray Mollard Introduction- Before entering the Vancouver Provincial Courthouse on February 1st, I looked through the current public access adult court list to pinpoint potential court proceedings I wished to attend. Through some research, I accessed a government website containing

  • The Misuse Of Drugs Act (MDA)

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    misuse the Government passed the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA). The act created three main classes labelled A, B, and C. Controlled substances that fall under class A (i.e. cocaine, heroin, MDMA) are deemed to be the most harmful to the users and others and carry strict penalties for possession (Up to 7 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both) and intent to supply (Up to life in prison, an unlimited fine or both) (MDA, 1971). Controlled substances in class B (i.e. cannabis,

  • Dbq Essay On Wildfires

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    humidity, wind gusts, and wind speeds. As wildfires become larger and more destructive it is becoming increasingly difficult to contain our population as we began to have urbanization in rural areas which is a red zone for wildfires hence, preventing controlled fires, causing more fuel to be near Colorado homes which, consequently makes wildfires even more dangerous. To prevent damage and tragedy from Wildfires in Colorado,

  • How Wildfires Are Harmful To Our Environment

    414 Words  | 2 Pages

    Recently, many wildfires have taken place throughout the United States. Some of these wildfires are started intentionally, unintentionally, or start on their own as brush fires. Either way, wildfires are damaging to our environment. Now, scientists have been tracking and recording air quality levels before, during, and after wildfires and they are concluding that smoke from wildfires are tipping air quality numbers to unhealthy and dangerous levels. Most Importantly, Wildfires are damaging to

  • Wild Fire Research Paper

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    Currently, the National Weather Service issues notices when weather conditions favor the ignition and rapid growth of wildfires. One such notice issued by the NWS is a fire weather watch. A fire weather watch is issued to alert land managers and the public that weather conditions developing in the next 12 to 72 hours could result in critical fire weather conditions. The NWS, in conjunction with land management agencies, also issues Red Flag Warnings. These notices are issued when currently existing

  • Process Essay: How Does A Wildfire Work?

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    How does a Wildfire Work? By: Tanner Gottlob Mrs. Sukstorf ELA ELA–Period 2 February 6, 2023 Tanner Gottlob Mrs.Sukstorf ELA - Period 2 Jan. 26, 2023 How Does A Wildfire Work? When some people look at wildfires, they see destruction, some see beauty, some chaos, but what fuels these massive wildfires? How do these forest-eating infernos work? Scientists believe that the fire triangle has a big role in fuel and function (Oliphant). Convection has helped too. A wildfire is fueled by the fire triangle

  • The Effect Of Forest Fires In California

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    Although the world has to many different natural disasters, forest fires seems to happen quite often in California. Forest fires are uncontrolled blazes fueled by dry underbrush, wind, and weather. In the matter of seconds. wildfires can burn acres of land and destroy everything in their paths. For a wildfire to burn there needs to be three conditions present, fire fighters call it fuel, oxygen, and a heat sources the “The fire triangle.” Any type of fuel is flammable material circling a fire,