Do the Right Thing Essays

  • Do The Right Thing Analysis

    1034 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Loses of Young Man Life Do The Right Thing is a film that is written to demonstrate the racial differences that existed in the society. The setting of the film is a black neighbourhood where a pizzeria is owned by an Italian American man (Sal). Further, the neighborhood has a Korean grocery. Spike Lee makes his thoughts about racial between different cultures to be well known using various characters and he also proves by the end of the movie that the resistance for the ones that have more power

  • Do The Right Thing Theme

    852 Words  | 4 Pages

    Reema Alfayez Leslie Martin Drama62 11/21/2016 ‘Do the right thing’ Analysis ‘Do the right thing’ is a widely recognized film for bringing out controversial issues facing our society. This film by Spike's Lee's challenges the audience to reflect on societal issues by constantly butting together the conflicting ideologies of violence as self-defence and non-violence. Lee manages to highlight this compelling question without telling the audience which is the better choice. The film successfully portrays

  • Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing

    1028 Words  | 5 Pages

    With the eighties being a powerful time in America that came with music, art, and movies with a meaning. These messages relayed back from the black community topics of racism, sexism, and etc. Spike lee presented that with his 1989 film Do the Right Thing. Lee’s film displayed how people deflect stereotypes in a community of tension and racial oppression. One of Lee’s important characters is Sal, an Italian business owner where his pizzeria enterprise is popular, for the being the only establishment

  • Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    Do The Right Thing (1989): Extra Credit Assignment Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing is a 1989 film about the disagreements in an African American community in Brooklyn, New York. The film shows a tragic day in which the weather is unbearably hot. There is extreme racial tension in the film between the African American, Puerto Rican, and White members of the community. There is a fight at the famous Sal’s Pizzeria between a character named Radio Raheem and the owner, Sal. The police come to break up

  • What Are The Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing

    643 Words  | 3 Pages

    still serves as a primary issue which can be shown in the film, Do the Right Thing. Spike Lee, one of Hollywood’s well-known actors and producers, had directed and starred in his own film, Do the Right Thing. The film is an American comedy-drama which was released in 1989. Throughout the movie, Do the Right Thing is famous for its ideologies that is often expressed in various scenes which leaves viewers pondering about what is right and wrong. As it takes place in Brooklyn’s very own, Bedford-Stuyvesant

  • Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    1185 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing is a film made in 1989 depicting racial conflict in Brooklyn New York during the 80's. The plot involves a group of African Americans, Italians and a Korean couple who live in the same block. There are multiple themes that tie in together in the film, one being the animosity and racism the characters feel towards each other throughout the film. The director makes the theme clear in the film by the conflicts that arise between the characters. An example of this is when

  • Review Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    994 Words  | 4 Pages

    In Spike Lee’s movie Do The Right Thing, the ideas of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X are presented throughout the movie. The constant presence of the character Smiley with a photo of the leaders portrays the importance that these two figures’ ideas have in the movie. The “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” by Martin Luther King, Jr., and the speech “The Ballot or the Bullet,” by Malcolm X, help us elucidate the events that happen during a hot day in the neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn

  • Review Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    1132 Words  | 5 Pages

    The film Do the Right Thing (1989), director Spike Lee, tells the story of a mostly black community in Brooklyn. The plot follows 25-year-old pizza delivery man Mookie (played by Spike Lee) trough the hottest day of the year. Mookie has a sister and a son with his girlfriend. He knows he’s not gona work at the pizzeria for the rest of his life and that’s why he lacks the ambition. In an infamous neighbourhood in Brooklyn, where the story is playing out there are a few distinctive characters - Da

  • Spike Lee's Film Do The Right Thing

    1395 Words  | 6 Pages

    Known for it’s provocative message, Spike Lee’s film Do the Right Thing (1989) direct’s the audiences attention toward police racism and violence. Spike Lee adds a dramatic flare to the movie through intense, colorful lighting and dialog. Characters in the movie fight for and against racial justice. The biggest argument of the movie is when a patron of a local pizza shop, Buggin Out (Giancarlo Esposito), believes that the pizza shop should have photos of African Americans along with the Italian Americans

  • Do The Right Thing Directed By Spike Lee

    1898 Words  | 8 Pages

    The film “Do the Right Thing” directed by Spike Lee, is an eye-opening film that discusses race inequality, stereotypes, and police brutality. Spike Lee uses a linear structure within the film to reveal the different themes that focus on emotional effect and the mood, anger, develop characters, reveal symbols, and show the audience the message behind the story. The exposition of the movie is shot in red lighting with the song Fight the Power as non-diegetic sound in front of an apartment building

  • Racial Inequality In Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    921 Words  | 4 Pages

    Do the Right Thing is a film produced, directed, and written by Spike Lee in 1989. It is a comedic drama focusing on the injustice of racial inequality. Not only this, but this film touches on ageism and classism, all things that are still relevant in today’s society, even if we, ourselves, may not see it. With worried thoughts, funding was difficult to find. Eventually, Universal signed with Lee giving him quite the budget- $6.5 million (MentalFloss). It is good that Universal did so. After the

  • Film Review Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    1090 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spike Lee’s commercially and critically successful 1989 film Do the Right Thing is a notable film in our modern day society in terms of racism, ethics, and prejudice. The film was even marked as “culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant” by the Library of Congress in 1999. The films prominent themes are distinctly racism, morality, and “fighting the power”. Racism plays a big role as many people see the film as a white versus black type of movie, due to the owner of the movie’s main

  • Racial Tension In Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    433 Words  | 2 Pages

    The film Do The Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee, uses various elements of settings, costumes, props and lighting to help convey the film’s overall tone and highlight the complicated issue of racial tension in the early 90’s which is still relevant today. For instance warm red, orange, and yellow lighting is used to show anger and tension which is especially evident in the film’s intro where Tina is dancing in front of a red cityscape. The lighting and costume colors are purposeful in setting the

  • Review Of The Film Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    668 Words  | 3 Pages

    In his film, “Do The Right Thing” director Spike Lee incorporates the cultural conflicts and distinctions between different races in a neighborhood. The film focuses on how different characters interact with each other, and the decisions that they have to make, in regards to communicating with each other. Spike Lee manages to dive into the complications of communication between races via a multitude of ways. The film begins with the opening credits showing one of the characters dancing to the song

  • Visual Dynamics In Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    383 Words  | 2 Pages

    Short Paper #2: Visual Dynamics in Do The Right Thing By Kedisha Dallas One of the most significant themes found in Do The Right Thing is tension. In this film, tension is at the surface represented by the hot temperature. Spike Lee emphasizes this tension by placing it on the relationships between the different minority groups within the community. This tension becomes intense in the scene where Buggin Out argues about the Italian photos Sal has on the wall of his Pizzeria. The tension becomes

  • Film Review Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    1297 Words  | 6 Pages

    Do the Right Thing Analysis Introduction The film Do the Right Thing, written, directed and produced by Spike Lee, focuses on a single day of the lives of racially diverse people who live and work in a lower class neighborhood in Brooklyn New York. However, this ordinary day takes place on one of the hottest days of the summer. The film centers on how social class, race and the moral decisions that the characters make have a direct effect on the way people interact with each other. It starts

  • Title Sequence Analysis Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    790 Words  | 4 Pages

    Title Sequence Analysis: Do The Right Thing Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing starts off right out of the gate with a soft and soothing saxophone playing in the background on a black screen. This delicate instrument only plays for merely half a minute then as the screen begins to open from the blackness viewers are pumped up by Public Enemy’s top hit, “Fight The Power.” This energetic song blares through the neighborhood of a Brooklyn, NY street with various silhouette poses from Rosie Perez flashing

  • What Is The Theme Of Radio Raheem's Death In Do The Right Thing

    1823 Words  | 8 Pages

    Jungle Music off. We ain't in Africa.” “You nigger motherfucker!” “I'll fucking tear your fucking nigger ass…” These are the foul, hateful words spewed by Sal (Danny Aiello) towards Radio Raheem (Bill Nun) minutes before his death, in the film Do The Right Thing (1989), written, produced, and directed by Spike Lee. Lee depicts the hottest day of the year in the neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn and shadows Mookie (Spike Lee); as the film progresses, tensions rise over the fact that Sal, the

  • Comparing Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee And Lone Star

    658 Words  | 3 Pages

    The films that I chose to explore in this paper are Do the Right Thing by Spike Lee and Lone Star by John Sayles. Each film offers examples of counter narratives in my opinion. There are many examples of characters vying for both power and respect from characters of the other race. Spike Lee, however, has an undeniably unique style that offers a counter on many levels. In Do the Right Thing, albeit there are numerous demonstrations of scorn or opposition between characters, Lee continually counters

  • Violence And Counter-Violence In Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

    875 Words  | 4 Pages

    The film “Do The Right Thing” by Spike Lee has a lot of controversial issues in the New York community between different races. Each race tends to feel as though they deserve more recognition than the other, especially the African Americans. Throughout the movie we get to witness the stance amongst them dealing with their beliefs of being mistreated. This movie exhibits many different opinions, which cause uproar and riots to stir between many individuals. In this paper, I will discuss the concepts