Famine Essays

  • The Irish Famine

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    essay will explore the causes and effects of the Irish Famine of 1845, which had great contribution to the decline in Irish population in the nineteenth century. It is based on the accounts of the Irish famine of 1845, written by Cecil Woodham-Smith and Mary E. Daly. Both authors give special attention to the population growth during the pre-famine years, regarding it as an aggravating factor contributing to the devastating power of the famine; however, they focus on distinct events and facts as for

  • Famine In Somalia

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    000 people died in this disaster (Forcing Back Famine page 2). In 2010, a famine struck in Somalia. The food shortages have been going on since then. As a result, thousands are starving and becoming malnourished. It will continue if nothing is done. This famine has harmed human beings and has put them under stress. Thus, they have little food and are experiencing many hardships. The food security in Somalia has dropped substantially due to a famine that has caused thousands to die from starvation

  • Effects Of Famine

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    Famine is a significant detriment to optimal health and continues to affect millions of people around the world. According to the World Health Organization, famine-induced starvation can lead to a weakened immune system since it requires nutrients from balanced diet. As a result, there is a heightened susceptibility to opportunistic diseases, which can cause mass casualties. Famine also has implications for population dynamics as rates of displacement and social collapse increase as fewer people

  • The Irish Famine In The Film The Great Famine

    295 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the film “The Great Famine”, the Irish famine in 1845 is discussed and it shows how hundred of thousands of people starved to death because lack of crops. Before this time 1/3 of the population relied on the potato crop, and they would eat about 14 pounds of potatoes each day. However, because this crop can only be stored for 6-9 months, they needed to grow enough crops to feed the entire Irish population each year. In 1845 when all the potato crops became diseased, people began to starve to death

  • Famine In South Sudan

    1516 Words  | 7 Pages

    Famines, in many cases, affect populations disproportionately, with some ethnicities facing worse conditions than other parts of the populace. This reality is rooted in the country’s social dynamics and the human construct of divisions between groups of people. Minority groups are discriminated against, and that usually resulted in them having the least amount of access to food in times of famine, as was experienced by marginalized peoples in Somalia. The two minority clans that were the most disproportionately

  • Xu Xi's 'Famine'

    1053 Words  | 5 Pages

    Subjectively speaking, “famine” contains different meanings. In the book “Famine” by Xu Xi we follow the protagonist trying to overcome her parent's death, internal guilt, and trauma by “escaping” to New York. Famine to the narrator is what she lived through by only eating rice and tofu because of her family's financial situation. Famine is also something that she was missing, such as the love from her parents, her goals, and her wants. For 51 years of her life, she lived for her parents. She had

  • Causes Of Famine In Ethiopia

    902 Words  | 4 Pages

    you eat one meal per day? That is the fate of Ethiopians when famine strikes. Famine not only causes starvation for thousands of Ethiopians, but it also spreads diseases and affects the country’s economy (encyclopedia.com). Researchers have confirmed that the lessening of famine will reduce stunting and undernutrition throughout people. Death, starvation, and diseases are certainly factors that will scale down as well (wfp.org). Famine is currently a serious issue in Ethiopia. However, the country

  • Peter Singer Famine And Morality

    1426 Words  | 6 Pages

    1.Introduction Within the essay “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”, Peter Singer offers a new way of seeing the relationship among this three elements, which is extremely different from the traditional understanding of charity, famine relief, morality, etc. It seems that Peter Singer put our position much closer and more related to the situation when facing problems such as famine and poverty and he redraw the distinction between duty and charity which takes more charity as duty. In order to illustrate

  • The Great Irish Famine

    1306 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Great Famine devastated Ireland in the mid 1800’s. At least one million people died and many more suffered due to poverty and sickness. The main factor that contributed to this event was the potato blight, which infected the potato crop and the Irish who heavily depended on it as their staple food. But what about the other factors? The blight was not the only factor that contributed to Ireland’s poor state at the time. The economy and government also had a part. Cormac O’ Grada’s Black ’47 and

  • Essay On Irish Potato Famine

    1476 Words  | 6 Pages

    more than a million people to die of starvation and disease. The Irish Potato Famine, also known as The Great Famine, was a tragic time in Irish history, lasting from 1845 - 1849. Ireland’s poor was very dependant on potatoes, so the sudden death of the potatoes devastated Ireland’s population. Ireland got almost no help from Great Britain, so it had to help itself, but it did not have the resources to do so. The famine was caused by a combination of a population explosion, the tenant farmer system

  • Peter Singer Famine, Affluence And Morality

    910 Words  | 4 Pages

    Article Summary, Paraphrase, Quotation Paper I. Article Summary In his article titled “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”, Peter Singer aims to show that we are morally obligated to help those in need. He begins by mentioning the situation in East Bengal where millions are dying due to lack of food and medical attention. He mentions that the situation is terrible but not hopeless. Singer says that the help being offered by the individuals and by the government is nowhere near the kind of help that

  • The Great Potato Famine Essay

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    Great Potato Famine By Jackson Keenan 11 The Irish did not eat potatoes for four years because of the Great Irish Potato Famine. Imagine not eating potatoes for four years. Famine, which is a low amount of food, lasted a four year period (1845-1849)and had a terrible impact on the country of Ireland. The country of Ireland still has not fully recovered from the famine.But after a while the Irish population decreased by 1 million. How did it start The Great Irish Potato Famine started from

  • The Great Famine Research Paper

    611 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is the famine, and what were the consequences? What is the Great famine? The great famine is was a period of starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. One of the main reasons I have chose this topic is because its an very important part of Irelands history, it is estimated that aproxemently 1 million people died, and a million more emigrated from Ireland, because of the fear of getting infected, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.

  • An Analysis Of Famine, Affluence, And Morality By Peter Singer

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    In “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” Peter Singer argues that some morally good actions, such as donating to relief funds and charitable organizations, should be duties. His argument is as follows: 1) Suffering and death are bad, whether from starvation, lack of shelter, or insufficient medical care. (P1) 2) We are morally obligated to prevent bad things from happening if we are able to do so and we would not sacrifice anything morally equivalent in the process. (P2) 3) Suffering and death in

  • Peter Singer Famine Affluence And Morality Analysis

    2133 Words  | 9 Pages

    Ethics Paper Today there are multiple countries struggling with lack of food due to various reasons such as natural disasters, manmade disasters, government policies and individuals actions. In Peter Singer’s article “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” we see him focusing on all these aspects and the negative impacts they portray on those in desperate need (Singer, 1972, 229). Singer does this with a utilitarian approach which means he looks at situations as either right or wrong solely on the outcome

  • Famine: Cause And Effects Of Food Causes In The Korean War

    949 Words  | 4 Pages

    Famine: “the incidence of serious food shortage across a country that dangerously affects the nutrition levels, health and livelihood of any people, to the extent that there is a large incidence of acute malnutrition and many people have died of hunger.” – World Food Program Introduction Famine in North Korea is a long history crisis started from food shortage to its worst and being dependent on China and Soviet Union on Food and financial aids. The worst famine cases happened in North Korea is

  • Famine Affluence And Morality Peter Singer Analysis

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Peter Singer’s article entitled ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’, he discusses the topic of poverty in Bangladesh and goes on to talk about its causes and the ways in which it can be somewhat eliminated in Bangladesh. Singer puts forth a statement stating that if there is a way in which we can avoid a negative outcome in a situation, without sacrificing anything of similar moral value, then we are obligated to do just that. Another point he mentions is that people would feel less obligated

  • The Great Famine In Ireland In The 1800's

    2807 Words  | 12 Pages

    among the poorest people in the world, relying on crops to feed their families. The Great Famine, or An Gorta Mór, commenced with the potato failure in 1845. It lasted for six years and caused the deaths of over one million men, women and children. It also led to a huge increase in emigration with two million people fleeing the country in the search of both food and a life free from corruption. The Great Famine was a tragedy which devastated Ireland, forcing hunger to take on a new form. Hunger and

  • The Irish Potato Famine In America

    1458 Words  | 6 Pages

    From the years 1845 to 1855 millions of adults and children fled over from Ireland to America, in order to escape the many issues their country was facing at this time. In my paper I will argue what lead to the potato famine and how this lead Irish families to seek refuge in American. In the 12th century England began their colonization over Ireland, this lead to many wars, confiscations and also rebellions. Finally after a series of fights between Ireland and England, England dominated over the

  • Great Hunger In Ireland: The Great Famine

    1800 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Great Famine, or the Great Hunger was a period of time in Ireland between 1845-1852 when there was a disease, emigration, and a mass starvation. (Daly 1) In September 1845, a fog carrying a fungus called phytophthora infestans drifted over the fields of Ireland. (The History Place 1) Soon after, the fungal spores settled on potato plant leaves, which fermented, giving the fungus what it needed to live. (The History Place 1) The fungus soon spread to all the potatoes in Ireland, causing them to