House of Medici Essays

  • Florence And Mussolini Influence On Renaissance

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    the Medici Florence was in the Renaissance a very stable and developed city. In fact, it became the cultural center of the western world. It was the center of wool trade in Europe, while the political power was led by wealthy merchants. These merchants built many buildings that were known for their beauty at that time.The family Medici were one of these people who contributed their wealth to the city. The Medici moved from the Mugello Valley into Florence in 1150 AD. In 1397 Giovanni de Medici established

  • Miniver Cheevy Allusion

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    poem can be seen in lines (17-18), "Miniver loved the Medici, / Albeit he had never soon one.” This allusion demonstrates Cheevy's desire to be something greater in life than the failure he has become, like the example I used above such as a history teacher. Miniver Cheevy wants to become someone important like the nobel kings of the past. In his daydreams he wishes to become as wealthy and influential as the Medici. The reference to the Medici family, harshly contrasts the life of Cheevy because

  • Niccolo Machiavelli's The Morals Of The Prince

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    Many thoughts have been shared and others written about leadership. Rulers too are continuously striving to be the best history has ever recorded. The only difficulty that persists is that none of these guides provide clear-cut recipes to successful leadership, and most rulers often find themselves in grave dilemmas. The book that most people believe to have set the standard for a leader is The Morals of the Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli. The author begins by advising every prince who wishes to

  • Niccolo Machiavelli: What Makes A Good Leader?

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    Up until 1532 leaders in Italy were supposed to rule according to traditional ethic norms (Niccolo). This was until The Prince. The Prince is an essay that Niccolò Machiavelli wrote during a time of political conflict in Italy. This essay was his attempt to end the conflict and bring resolution to the peninsula (Niccolo). However; it did quite the opposite, instead it brought more conflict and uneasiness to the people. While many disagree with Machiavelli’s points about what makes a good leader,

  • Godman And Audubon Analysis

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    Yes, we are able to find meaning in all works of art upon close looking, but it is when we situate works of art within the networks of social relations and historical conditions that gave shape to their meaning that we are able to understand them best. When we ask ourselves questions and take into consideration things such as when works of art were created, where they were created, who might have been looking at them and what exactly the purpose of their creation might have been, that is when we

  • Lateness And Motifs In Edward Said's On Late Style

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    The Leopard is an historical novel written by an aging Italian prince based on the exploits of his great grandfather. This book opens when the Bourbon state of Naples and Sicily, then called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, was coming to an end. On the surface it seems to follow Italy’s unification and the people who were involved in it. The Leopard was written by Giuseppe di Lampedusa who was a cosmopolitan Sicilian prince born in Italy in 1896. He was an educated and well read man, and had thought

  • Role Of Lusanna's Hierarchy Of Power In Fifteenth-Century Florence

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    bigger advantage over everyone else. Giovanni, who not only had an abundance of money but also connections with powerful members of society, was able to manipulate witnesses into lying for him. In fact, the De Vallas were friends with the Medici including Cosimo Medici who was “the most prominent and influential citizen” in Florence and “dispensed favors to his allies” (Brucker 111-112). The Della Casa’s were “intimately acquainted with the officials –cardinals, judges, notaries –who decided cases of

  • How Does Gene Brucker Respond To Love And Marriage In Renaissance Europe?

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    has an upper class status and how bribery is utilized in the decision making process. Brucker presents an account of a marriage agreement that took place according to Lusanna, but Giovanni denied those claims. The city of Florence was ruled by the Medici family for generations, which held an enormous amount of power beginning with Cosimo, who “dispensed favors to his allies, clients, and creatures in the form of offices, loans, remission

  • Machiavelli's Political Philosophy

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    ancient and heroic pride/In true Italian hearts has never died.” A bold statement that explains one’s patriotism to its country. “There is no figure presently in sight,” he writes, “in whom [Italy] can better place her trust than your illustrious house, which, with its fortune and its merits, favored by God and the Church of which it is now the head, can take the lead in this process of redemption.” A powerful statement that explains that as long as God and the Church are in the forefront no weapon

  • Cultural Importance Of Art Collection

    1797 Words  | 8 Pages

    The urge to acquire and own art is a time-honoured one. From the grand patronage of Renaissance popes and princes (not to mention de Medici), to eighteenth-century British aristocrats, or the bulk buying of Europe’s cultural heritage by America’s J. Paul Getty, over the centuries art has been amassed for purposes of propaganda, prestige, intellectual enlightenment and sheer pleasure. Few activities run the gamut of human impulses more comprehensively than the acquisition of art. Yet, however lofty

  • Analysis Of The Letter Of Domenico Venetian

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    Cosimo de’ Medici, and by contrast refer to himself self abasingly (Davies et al 534.). For example, Domenico starts the letter saying “To the honorable and generous Man Piero di Cosimo de’ Medici of Florence” (Davies et al 534), or says “considering that my low condition does not deserve to write to your nobility, only in the perfect and good love (534). Domenico reveres this patron as if he was a deity or the pope, and somewhat apologizes for simply requesting for a commission that the Medici family

  • Why Is The Medici Family Considered A Turning Point

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    The Medici family can be considered a turning point in history because of their significant contributions that affected Italy and many other parts of Europe. Prior to the Medici family, Florence was experiencing what is known as the Renaissance period. This was a period of rebirth however, Florence had many economic and political struggles. During the Medici family's rule, they continued to assist in the push of education and art during the Renaissance. They made many contributions to the economy

  • The Medici Family In Italy

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    The Medici family, otherwise called the House of Medici, emigrated to Florence from the Tuscan highland amid the 12th century. Through banking and trade, the Medici family came to be as one of, if not the most opulent families in Italy. Nonetheless, it wasn 't until the 13th-15th century that the Medici initiated converting their riches into political capital, making them the informal, yet undisputed, leaders of Florence. The family 's engrossment and advocacy in creative arts and humanities made

  • Why Is The Medici Family Important In The 15th Century

    2282 Words  | 10 Pages

    The Medici family were one of the most powerful families in the 15th century who essentially dominated over three generations and were able to uniquely gain and effectively maintain power in Florence. The Medici family, also known as the House of Medici, gained power in the earlier parts of the 15th century through their vast influence in the banking world and wide network of close ties. The Medici family’s success during the 15th century was primarily seen through the impact of these three generations:

  • Medici Family Influence On Renaissance

    628 Words  | 3 Pages

    This essay is about the influence of the Medici family on Florentine art and the development of humanist thought. The Medici family had a lot of power for four generations (1418-1494) as they were a wealthy family who owned banks and got their money from “banking interests”. They “molded and manipulated, controlled and cajoled, persuaded and poked” the citizens of Florence until 1494, when the angry citizens overthrew the Medici family. The family created their own “personal work of art” in Florence

  • How Does Palladio Influence Western Architecture

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    architecture; however, not taking hold in America until mid-18th century. This classical design of the portico has, since its introduction to the Western architecture, remained a status symbol for American and English houses today and indicates the success and importance of the residents of a house. In addition to the typical portico, Palladio is also credited for popularizing the monumental two-tiered portico: porticoes with two levels or floors of columns. Another significant element of Palladian villas

  • Humanism In The Early Renaissance

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    Early Renaissance patrons of the arts, such as the Medicis of Florence, commissioned artwork as a way to gain favor in heaven and power on earth, and so were often religious in nature even though they were not directly commissioned by the church. At this time, Michelozzo di Bartolommeo, an architect and sculptor favored by the wealthy and powerful Medicis, along with others, worked on the reconstruction and/or design of the monastery at San Marco at Florence, Santissima Annunziata, the Cathedral

  • Machiavelli The Prince

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    extensive education as a child. During this time, the Medici family, who ruled Florence at that time and many more centuries to come, temporary fell and lost political power. Machiavelli became a diplomat for the Republic of Florence while the Medici family was exiled. The Medici family came back to power in 1512 and tortured, jailed, and banished from politics, as Machiavelli was involved in attempting to organize a military against the return of the Medici family. The Republic of Florence subsequently

  • Medici's Participation In The Renaissance

    903 Words  | 4 Pages

    Renaissance. Since a large portion of the population was gone, there was a crop increase which lead to lower prices and henceforth more excess wealth. With new found wealth allowed citizens at patronize art. Among the largest of these art patrons were the Medici family family of Florence. The Medici’s were a powerful and politically involved family of extreme wealth. The family used their political and finical power to fund art through Italy. They held this power for the majority of the time from the 13th

  • Niccolo Machiavelli Summary

    1371 Words  | 6 Pages

    Italy to parents who were members of the old Florentine nobility. His father was a reputable lawyer, and so he received a formal education. Later on, he entered public service and worked under the Republic of Florence for fourteen years. When the Medici returned, Machiavelli lost his job, upon which began the period of his literary activity. He died at age 58 without having regained office, just weeks