Hypothesis Essays

  • False Null Hypothesis

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    Type I error, this is an incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis. By mistakenly rejecting the null hypothesis means erroneously accepting different a hypothesis. So basically, in this scenario or situation, this means that the drug is classified or considered unsafe (but in reality the drug is safe). Also, Type II error is the incorrect failure to reject a false null hypothesis. That is incorrect as well and accepting the null hypothesis. For this scenario, it correlates into that the drug is

  • Analyzing The Argument That The Gull Hypothesis

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    argument that the null hypothesis is true. It measures how compatible your data are with the null hypothesis (Frost, 2014). A low P value suggests that your sample provides enough evidence that you can reject the null hypothesis for the entire population. You have to understand the null hypothesis to understand the use of a p-value. P value is the probability of obtaining an effect at least as extreme as the one in your sample data, assuming the truth of the null hypothesis. “For example, suppose

  • The Gull Hypothesis

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    The null hypothesis of this research is that the gases (helium, nitrogen, argon, and CO2) will have no effect on the football hang time. This study’s alternate hypothesis is if a football is filled with a gas lighter than air (helium and nitrogen), then the football will have a longer hang time; and if a football is filled with a gas heavier than air (argon and CO2), then the football will have a shorter hang time. Since the first experiment results were nullified because of an error in the PSI of

  • The Hypothesis Of An Experiment On 20 Children Aged 3 Years

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    The hypothesis (theory before further study) of an experiment on 20 children aged 3 years, by taking them from their overcrowded and impoverished homes and for 4 days per week, putting them into a special non-residential day school to prove or refute whether enriching their environments, with focus placed on the development of their social and cognitive skills, can affect their levels of intelligence. The Independent Variable: The independent variable is the school itself, the scientist is changing

  • Efficient Market Hypothesis Essay

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    information is immediately reflected in the prices causing abnormal profit making impossible in the market. The efficient market hypothesis further implies that prices will move randomly that makes prediction of prices extremely difficult. Efficient market hypothesis requires that investors will be rational and have homogenous expectation. Although, efficient market hypothesis came into light after the seminal work of Fama in 1965, Louis Bachelier, a French mathematician, should be considered as the

  • Examples Of Efficient Market Hypothesis

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    The Efficient Market Hypothesis The efficient market hypothesis or EMH is one of the fundamental theories of traditional finance. Two economists, Paul A. Samuelson and Eugene F. Fama, independently developed the efficient market hypothesis in modern financial times, but the phenomenon behind the efficient market hypothesis goes as far back as 1565, with evidence of random walks in the market. The efficient market hypothesis simply states that markets are rational in nature

  • Elodea Experiment Lab Report

    642 Words  | 3 Pages

    1) Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis for experiments For the experiment involving the red blood cells, the proposed hypothesis is that if blood cells are placed into a hypotonic solution of distilled water, then the cells will undergo a process called hemolysis where they swell and burst. For this experiment, the null hypothesis is that if blood cells are placed into a hypotonic solution of distilled water, then the cell will not undergo hemolysis. For the experiment involving the elodea plant, the

  • Summary: Approximation Of The Scientific Method

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    Scientific Method Problems or questions may arise in your life everyday at any time. The scientific method is a series of steps that help you figure out how to fix these problems or answer these questions. These steps are as follows: observations, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion or results. It has been said that the scientific method is “the best way yet discovered for winnowing the truth from lies and delusion.” (Wudka, 1998) As an example, I will use the situation of how long it takes me to

  • The Scientific Method In The Hot Zone By Richard Preston

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    The Scientific Method is a way to answer and ask scientific questions by creating a hypothesis and creating an experiment. The steps of the scientific method include: asking a question, background research, creating a hypothesis, test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, analyzing the data, drawing a conclusion, and finally publishing your results. There are many places in the book The Hot Zone by Richard Preston in which steps of the scientific method are used, the first one I found was during

  • Drab Guppies Lab Report

    1015 Words  | 5 Pages

    The data in both sets seem to support the hypothesis that when the number and type of predators is increased, the guppies become more drab. Instead of just testing the bright guppies with these variables, drab guppies were tested as well to insure accurate representation. The first trials data were consistent with the hypothesis, the percentage of bright guppies stayed stayed about the same when the amount of predators was low. In trial two more predators was introduced therefore the percentage of

  • Fruit Fly Lab Report

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    preference for oviposition choice. Oviposition is the process of a female insect laying her eyes on plant parts and other materials, which can be influenced by many factors. The bean beetle eggs are opaque and clear, which allowed us to test the hypothesis that C. maculatus prefer the darker red Adzuki beans over the white Black-eyed peas for oviposition choice. Two different colored bean types were used, the red Adzuki beans and the white Black-eyed peas. We placed three female and two male bean

  • Lab Report On Birds Feeder

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    site, big or small seed, and high or low feeder. The data were collected from different study groups from different time of the day, the experiment started from the beginning of October, and last for 1 week. Before this lab, we came up a null hypothesis that all Chickadee, Titmouse and Nuthatch will show no preferences on seeds size, feeding gradient and habitat sites, which means they will choose open and close sites, large and small seeds,

  • Powerade Lab Report

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    In this experiment, the hypothesis of having planaria to grow with the living conditions of Powerade or Gatorade was not supported. When going through and reading the statics all the planaria died with each experiment that I decided to do. I decided to put 10 drops and 20 drops of Powerade into a petri dish with 10 planaria in each petri dish along with 40 mL of spring water. With the results given it appeared that it was too much Powerade so, I decided to reduce the amount of dosage given with

  • The Effect Of Double The Mass Of Stuff Oreos Lab Report

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    stuffing in grams. Two control variables are the scale we used and the same brand of cookies. My hypothesis was if I measured the mass of the filling in the Double-Stuff and regular Oreos, then it would show that Double-Stuff Oreos do not have “double the stuff” because the mass of the Double-Stuff Oreo’s filling would be less than double the mass of a regular Oreo’s filling. My group chose this hypothesis because we believed that the filling in Double-Stuff Oreos is less than twice the mass of the

  • Pill Bug Experiment Report

    1385 Words  | 6 Pages

    Pill bugs (Rollie Pollie): The Effect of Isopod Behavior on Wet vs Dry Stimuli Abstract: There are two main purposes for this experiment. First, isopods were observed so that their behavior could be recorded. Second, we exposed the isopods to a wet cotton ball and dry cotton ball, to determine which stimuli the pill bugs (or Rollie pollies) preferred over the other. In the experiment, five different pill bugs were removed from their usual habitat and placed in a choice chamber 1 pill bug at a time

  • Qualitative Research Process Paper

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    are; define the problem, formulate the hypothesis, gather data and analyze, interpret and communicate the results (Thomas et al., 2015). The scientific model is useful because the first step allows researchers to outline the current problem and recognizing the important variables (i.e. who has the problem affected, what environment the problem occurs) that makes it simpler for investigators to comprehend and solve the problem that has occurred. A hypothesis is formed based on previous research and

  • Brine Shrimp Lab Report

    252 Words  | 2 Pages

    My hypothesis for this experiment was not what I expected it to be. Instead of having each section grow in size due to the solution was incorrect. I only had my 1% with solution grow. This is the lowest concentration level I had and my lowest number of brine shrimp in the section without concentration as well. The other sections with my 5% and my 10% concentration ended up with no hatched eggs at all. This could be due to enviornmental reasons. Due to the enviornment brine shrimp usually have

  • Scientific Method Essay

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    problem they want to solve. The third step is hypothesis. The hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for and observed phenomenon (Krogh, 2011). The hypothesis helps to define what scientists think the outcome of an experiment will be. The fourth step

  • Psychology: Explain How The Scientific Method Works

    353 Words  | 2 Pages

    Assignment: Explain how the scientific method works. The scientific method is fundamental to successful experimentation. It consists of four main stages: observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and analysis. A successful scientific endeavor covers each of these stages thoroughly. Observation consists of noticing a phenomenon, asking questions about it, and researching what is known about the phenomenon. For example, you might notice that two objects of the same dimensions fall

  • Red Worm Behavior Lab Report

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    choice. And you´ll need to have a chart to record your observations on every 10 minutes. For each trial you need to record your data and observe the worms movements and interactions among each other. Each trial will either support or reject the hypothesis stated. Each lab experiment determines what type of environment red worms are accustomed too. And how they adapt towards different types of stimulus. Do they prefer moist environments over dry