Librarian Essays

  • Exploratory Essay

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    Books have been used by people through centuries, the knowledge we have gained now would have been impossible without books (Allegro, 2014). There are 175 million adolescents in the world are can't read on the internet due to lacking any access to it (Das, 2015). That concludes that books are still the primary tool for knowledge acquisition. According to Adele and Milheim (1995) that libraries are not the just storehouse of books, but also provides interactive assistance to the readers, which

  • Koha's ILS: Cost Of Running An Integrated Library System

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    an integrated library system (ILS). Librarians will

  • Special Education Personal Statement

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    I am applying to your master’s program in library science for the summer of 2016. After earning my undergraduate degree in elementary education and generic special education from Texas Woman’s University, I worked thirty-five years in public education system. I worked for Denton ISD and La Porte ISD, both of which are located in Texas. I have taught at both the elementary and secondary level. All of my teaching experience has been in the area of special education. I have taught in resource, self-contained

  • Ala's Argument Against Using The Library Bill Of Rights

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    The best solution, in this case, would definitely be the first alternative. Using the Library Bill of Rights to argue against the fact that libraries should be exempt from this kind of ruling as it violates the librarians’ intellectual and academic freedom. Librarians similar to college professors in which they should be allowed the same amount of freedom to speak and publish in the areas of their expertise. Vigilance would be the Walker Public Library's best defense for protecting these rights.

  • Death Knell For Libraries

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    For over twenty years the death knell for libraries, print books, and librarians has been continuously rung. Here we are well into the 21st century, and all three are still going strong. In the face of their so-called impending demise reference librarians are expanding the services they provide and changing the ways in which they provide them. Patrons can receive instruction on how to use new technologies, resume building, and Microsoft Office Suite, and personal finance at their local library.

  • How Might One Succinctly Describe The Mission Of The ACR?

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    American Libraries Association (ALA). This division focuses on representing primarily academic libraries and academic librarians, but also includes support staff, and even those with a vested interest in academic libraries. It is important to note that this association is not an elitist one. All academic libraries and their staffs are given due consideration: “ACRL represents librarians working with all types of academic libraries—community and junior college, college, and university —as well as comprehensive

  • Pew Internet And American Life Project Report

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    Thus, the traditional library was transformed into a community center through community-focused programs (Finley & Kluever, as cited in Smallwood, 2011, p. 77). Although these libraries are faced with decreased budgets, librarians have been proactive in transforming the strategy of their library. A district library in Illinois, was able to use the recession as an opportunity to acquire more customers through the skills acquired by the library staff (Finley & Kluever, as cited

  • Creative Writing: The Night I Drowned

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    One day, sitting alone at the library, studying for my chemistry exam, I noticed a toddler wandering around the bookshelves. She had long brown hair and wore a corduroy dress with little white sneakers. She was in the adult book section skimming the back cover of a book called, "The Night I Drowned". Her eyes were wide with interest in what she was reading. I could tell she was smart, and that she was definitely an advanced reader. She looked to be about five years old, and she was in the adult section

  • Final Essay

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    to their needs and concerns. Greater emphasize on library assessment to support strategic planning, improved processes and a greater understanding of users’ needs. Academic libraries must prove the value they provide to the academic enterprise. Librarians must be able to convert the goodwill towards the library through effective communication to all stakeholders that clearly articulate its value to the academic community, how library resources contribute to student and faculty success and the environmental

  • Info 203 Student Report

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    Introduction Technology is all around us, and is constantly changing. Librarians must be aware of its constant changes and what it can mean for libraries. Technology is inevitable and part of our daily lives. Hirsh (2015) adds, “All information professionals make use of technology tools in their portfolio of responsibilities, and an understanding of how technology can be leveraged to better serve their communities will help professionals use these tools more effectively. Beyond using technology

  • DBQ Essay: Do Libraries Have Done Lot Of Good For People

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    Shakespeare” (Doc A). However, not only do libraries provide a sanctuary and offer resources to educate many, but librarians are also people that many people could consider family, they can help many with questions that they have, help when someone has a problem, and provide support when something might be wrong. Neil Gaiman once said, "Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one." Finally, although many would argue that libraries are not needed and that modern

  • Why Banning Books Should Not Be Banned

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    Banning books are bad as they can affect more than one person. What are some reasons for banning books? Books should not be banned just cause one person disagrees with it. Who challenges books the most and where? Banning books can happen anywhere by anybody for many reasons. There are many reasons for banning books. “Most common reasons for concern about the content of children’s literature are Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Unsuitable for age, Violence, Homosexuality, Religious viewpoints

  • Analysis Of The Thomas Nelson Community College Library: Critique

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    locations helps to avoid confusion. The policies for books, instructional material, and informational technologies aren’t printed along with the hours of operations because it’s specific in nature and is explained to you by the Librarians. The next is Knowledgeable Librarians and Staff which essential to the students understanding and overall success in an academic environment. Having guidance to maneuver through the library and the different systems helps the student to avoid frustration and aides

  • Eudora Welty Biography

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    and the impact it had on her life. The intensity and value of Welty’s early experiences with reading and books is displayed through her descriptions of the librarian, Mrs. Calloway, her own experiences with reading, and the descriptions of her mother’s influence on her life as a reader. Welty’s descriptions of Mrs. Calloway, the town librarian, reveals the importance

  • Controversial Books Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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    The topic of whether controversial books should be made available for students to read or not has always been a hot topic for parents and the school board. On one side of the argument, a group of parents are against this as they don’t want their kids or in fact any child to read a controversial book. While another group of people are directly supporting the decision to allow schools to have students have access to a disputed book. When parents don't allow their kids to read such a book, they are

  • Banning Books Should Be Banned

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    Why do people ban books? Especially for children? Shouldn't it be the students' choice of which book to read? Banning books is a very controversial matter that continues to grow in US schools as time goes on. Banning books started as early as the 1600s when the Puritan government outlawed New English Canaan by Thomas Morton. Officials claimed it painted their society in a "harsh and heretical" light (Book Banning). Now, schools across the US have banned over one thousand books. It makes no sense

  • Essay On Banning Book

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    children safe and don’t want their children to be exposed to certain things. But as a result of this, they are taking away the rights of everyone else by banning these books. One article that covers this topic well is called “Censorship by Numbers”.“Librarians and governing bodies should maintain that parents—and only parents—have the right and the responsibility to restrict the access of their children—and only their children—to library resources”. This says that parents still have the absolute right

  • Banning Books In Schools

    662 Words  | 3 Pages

    There have been over 11,300 books that have been challenged since 1982. Book banning has been happening for centuries and should be stopped. Authors should have the right to write about whatever they want without having to worry about if it is appropriate or not. All of these reasons are what brings us to the many cons of banning books. As a result, many people believe books should not be banned in school/libraries because they should not have the right to take books away from everyone. First, there

  • Harry Potter: The Negative Impacts Of Banning Books

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    Did you know that one of the most popular series in the world, “Harry Potter”, was banned because of witchcraft? Believe it or not, banning these books is causing more harm than good. Banning books needs to stop because of the potential negative impacts that accompanies the banning of books. The petitions and requests to ban a book usually happens because a certain group of peoples’ views counteract with what the book is discussing. This causes library, teacher, group, or bookstore to consider banning

  • Will Libraries Exist In The Future If So They Ll Be Very Different Analysis

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    attention. An article, “Will Libraries Exist in the Future? If So, They’ll Be Very Different,” published by Slate discusses the history of libraries as well as their future. In an attempt to prove how valuable traditional libraries are to society, “librarians have been experimenting with ways of expanding on this newly elaborated mission—for instance, by opening so­called “maker spaces” in annexes and areas where bookshelves have been cleared out. A throwback to the mechanic’s library of the 19th