CM 523 Homework 2 Atomic Design Bochao Sun Sep. 28, 2017 The website I am going to inspect is a shopping coupon and cash back website Ebates. It starts with a link to hurricane relief fundraising website. Three elements text, icon and arrow are hyperlinked to the donation website. Users can click at anywhere in the wide box selected below to get over. The color of the green heart is the same as the theme color of the entire website: #23ae4a. Link to hurricane relief fundraising In the header
Referring to the Kellogg’s Special K website “Special K® believes that every woman deserves to feel more beautiful, more often. We 're here for you every step of the way with delicious foods, free personalized solutions and positive inspiration to help you achieve your goals.” (Special K, 2014). Kellogg’s Special K Snack bars is better choice for women who seek losing weight and eat healthy snacks because, referring to the labeling of the product (Figure 2) shows that total fat in each bar is just