Rebellion Essays

  • Examples Of Rebellion In 1984

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    Rebellion is a way for people to express their dissatisfaction with their government. Throughout George Orwell’s 1984, Winston attempts to start a rebellion against the Party– an action that mirrors that of the American Revolution through the driving factors, political conditions, and steps towards success. Oftentimes, extreme and controlling governments are the ones to experience rebellion. In 1984, Winston lives in the oppressive Oceania. The government, the Party, manages everything from portioning

  • Examples Of Shay's Rebellion

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    “Let the people take arms. The remedy is to present them with the facts, pardon, and pacify them.” (A letter by Thomas Jefferson, paragraph 2). Shays’ Rebellion was a group of American citizens that were fighting for their rights and were against taxation during the 1780s. Although many people perceive Shays and his followers as rebels, nevertheless Shays’ and his followers were freedom fighters because the government were treating others unfairly, the justice system was full of revenge, hatred,

  • Examples Of Rebellion In 1984

    432 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rebellion is just one of the few concepts that is portrayed repeatedly throughout novels as it shows the true nature of a character through times of unfairness and despair. In the novel 1984, the main character Winston shows rebellion from his hatred of Big Brother to his secret love affair with Julia who was a member of the Party. In 1984, George Orwell illustrates the concept of rebellion, advocating that one can win back their true self from fighting for what they believe. Orwell conveys Winston’s

  • Rebellion In The Handmaids Tale

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    Rebellion; the action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention. The Handmaid’s Tale written by Margaret Atwood is a novel. The novel takes place in Gilead a dystopian society. Everyone in Gilead has an important role to play within the society, however, it seems as if none of the characters seem content with their role, due to the restrictions they face. In the novel, the lack of freedom leads to rebellion as shown by the characterization, interior dialogue, flashbacks, and foreshadowing

  • Examples Of Rebellion In The Declaration Of Independence

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    Rebellion is the voice of the unsatisfied, the oppressed, and the messengers of change. The people of the United States want to separate from the British monarchy that controls them. In the Declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson encourages the rebellion against King George and the pursuit of what the colonists have been denied for so many years. Jefferson believes that a rebellion is justifiable when an oppressive figure inhibits one from exercising one’s natural rights. Jefferson uses suffering-related

  • Examples Of Rebellion In Fahrenheit 451

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rebellion is a key catalyst for change in a society. This is apparent in the dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, in which the central idea is furthermore exhibited by conflict. Bradbury uses conflict by having Montag reading on the subway and Faber describing the society in the book. Conflict further expresses the idea of how an insurgency will lead to an altered civilization. Rebellion being a key catalyst for change is proven with Montag breaking the rules. The text states

  • Examples Of Rebellion In The Poisonwood Bible

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    Rebellion is Power Rebellion is a source of self-expression. Those who choose to act upon that rebellion will face consequential actions. However, rebellion is not always dangerous and should be present in order to have a healthy balance between obedience and disobedience. Barabara Kingsolvers’ The Poisonwood Bible and George Orwell’s 1984, both touch upon class divisions and power. The upper class will always have authority whether an individual agrees with it or not. Those who disagree are likely

  • Examples Of Nat Turner Rebellion

    1416 Words  | 6 Pages

    Rebellions Rebellion: an open, organized, and armed resistance to one’s government or ruler. And I’m not talking about just “rebelling” against your parents by staying out past curfew. Some rebellion involves a degree of defiance that requires violence and law breaking. But others are more silent such as the creation of newspapers. There were plenty of rebellions that shaped history from acts of disobedience, boycotts, newspapers, social movements, and violent uprisings. The three that I will

  • Compare And Contrast The Methods Of Slave Rebellion

    572 Words  | 3 Pages

    Charest  February 14th Rebellion methods used by slaves During the time of slavery, slaves were often beaten and mistreated for the smallest of offenses. Although slaves were treated horribly by their masters, they learned to accommodate to their conditions to formulate a better life. Slaves rebelled in many ways; often, covert or public methods were used, but all efforts to rebel inspired change and impacted many people around the world.   Some of the most common methods of rebellion used by slaves were

  • Rebellion In Herman Hesse's Siddhartha

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    did not want to submit to the authority of the British Crown. Lastly, during the modern age kids, mainly teenagers, have decided to fight against the powers that hold them back in the form of their parents or even school authority. This type of rebellion was the major plot line in the book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. The main character is a young man named Siddhartha who is the son of the Brahmin, a religion leader and highly educated member of the top social class in the caste system. Siddhartha

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Is Rebellion Effective?

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    developed during discussion regarding what classifies as rebellion and whether or not it is effective; however, these seemingly conflicting arguments actually contribute to the general concept of rebellion in distinct ways. The class first defined rebellion as standing up to society for wrongly thwarting a value and trying to bring about change by setting an example to influence other people to join the cause. Under this definition, rebellion is rarely effective because in order for a societal change

  • Rebellion In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    The Awakening is a book written by Kate Chopin and it is quite a journey. Being just over a hundred pages in length, this novel gives an adequate picture of the protagonist Edna Pontellier, who consistently challenges the roles that society has placed on her. In her own words, she says “I would give my life for my children, but I wouldn’t give myself ” (45). This not only foreshadows her ultimate fate, but it also shows the readers that Edna is not willing to suppress her passions and desires for

  • Compare And Contrast Shay's Rebellion And Whiskey Rebellion

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    and social issues. The March of the Paxon Boys, Regulator Movement, Shay’s Rebellion, and The Whiskey Rebellion were all examples of settlers expressing their grievances. The Paxton Boys were frontiersmen of Scots-Irish origin from along the Susquehanna River in central Pennsylvania. They formed a group to retaliate in 1763 against local American Indians in the aftermath of the French and Indian War and Pontiac's Rebellion. However, this group of men were racial and had political unrest during this

  • Rebellion In 'Just Lather And Nothing Else'

    644 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rebels A rebel is the act of an individual refusing to listen or follow authority. Rebels are characters who fight for their own ideals. They will do anything almost being malevolent to destroy the limits set up against them. There are three characters that established themselves as “rebels”, from the short story unit. Captain Torres from “Just Lather and Nothing Else” , The group of children from “Green Gulch”, and Nick from ‘Let It Ride” are characters that refused to follow vital human morals

  • Examples Of Rebellion In Catcher In The Rye

    1100 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rebellion is the Key In today’s world, rebellion is viewed as a negative action, but it’s a part of human nature as well as a crucial part of growing up for teenagers. It is especially important for the main character Holden in J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye. Holden not only gains new experiences from his rebellions, but it is what allows Holden to truly accept the adult society. Holden’s constant rebellious nature from his school to his red hunting hat are a result of him attempting to stand

  • Chris Mccandless Rebellion In Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

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    A rebellious person is someone who “defies or resists some authority, government, or tradition” ( Chris McCandless’s persona can truly be encompassed by this one word, “rebellious”. Often people find rebellion to have a negative impact on the individual or society who go against accustomed traditions and beliefs. Chris’s rebellious nature is on the opposite side of this spectrum because his only goal was to improve his life through his rebellious adventures. Chris once stated, “So

  • The Boxer Rebellion In China

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    with the encouragement of the Empress Dowager Cixi and attacked foreigners and their establishments. This society is known as the Boxer Rebellion. Chinese response to foreign interference and christianizing efforts resulted in the Boxer Rebellion. The attempt to regain control over their country made conditions even worse when Europe and America put down the rebellion. Foot binding was for young women in the 18th century up into the mid 19th century Foot binding became popular as a means of displaying

  • Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion

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    imagine, you wouldn’t know how to deal with or face it by yourself, your emotions will be all over the place and you have to fix it by yourself. In the past, in China, the Boxer Rebellion happened. It happened because people were feeling frustrated as their culture was changing a lot. This made them really sad. The rebellion caused a lot of problems and surprised people all around the world. Some people think the Boxers were just really harmful and they would harm the innocents too, but that wasn’t

  • Causes Of The Whiskey Rebellion

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    Ironically, western Virginians experienced a period of significant prosperity and growth in the years following the Whiskey Rebellion. Numerous anti-excise leaders in the western counties were able to return to their state and local government positions, some even using the insurrection to advance their political influence. Economically, in the aftermath of the insurrection, the lasting military presence in western Virginia boosted the local economy, bringing in more much-needed banknotes. Barksdale

  • Effects Of The Stono Rebellion

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    The Stono Rebellion was one of the largest slave revolts in United States colonial history. This significant event took place near the Stono River in South Carolina in early September 1739, led by a group of enslaved Africans who sought to gain their freedom through an armed rebellion. The rebellion lasted several days but was eventually put down by white militia and resulted in the deaths of around 20 white colonists and 40 enslaved Africans. At the time, many colonists perceived the Stono Rebellion