explain what overfishing is doing to families, what we can do to help the situation, and how to repopulate the fisheries. 1. Millions of people rely on fishing for their livelihood and nutritional needs and they need help. A. With the overfishing, many families in 3rd world countries will not have food. 1. If overfishing continues hundreds of thousands of fish farmers and medium scale fisheries, often very poor, that depend on aquaculture and fishing, will be out of work. According to the Food and
have been collected for longline and trawl fisheries operating in Australian waters to determine incidental mortality rates . • The presence of avian parasites, avian disease and marine pollution is monitored on Macquarie Island . • Research is being undertaken to develop techniques to survey populations of albatrosses and giant petrels remotely and rapidly . • A genetic profile of the population on Macquarie Island has been developed .[fig 6] • 5.2 Management