Robber baron Essays

  • Cornelius Vanderbilt: Robber Baron Or Robber Baron?

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    The Second Industrial age was a period of tremendous social and economic upheaval with the rise of huge corporations as well as the growing tide of workers rights reform. So called robber barons like Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D Rockefeller , and Andrew Carnegie played an extremely important role in forging the industrial powerhouse america would the 20th century through their innovative but ultimately cuthroat business tactics. Cornelius Vanderbilt was an steamship and railroad tycoon

  • Robber Barons In The 1800s

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    were divided into two groups. The first was the titans of industry and the second were robber barons. Many people today wonder why Americans at that time divided these people up into these groups. This was because of what business they were involved in, how they competed against their rival businesses, and the treatment of their workers. Men such as J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller were considered “robber barons” in their time. These men were very wealthy and had companies that took over any company

  • Robber Barons 1800s

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    Carnegie. Some of these men were split by how they got their money; Captains of Industry and Robber Barons. Captains of Industry were business leaders that helped the nation in a positive way. On the other hand, Robber Barons were men that shrewd capitalists, swindled the poor and benefitted for themselves. Ultimately, American businessmen of the 1800’s may have built America, but most of them were Robber Barons because men like Carnegie swindled his workers and Rockefeller’s monopoly. One of the biggest

  • Robber Baron Negatives

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    In the gilded age of 1890’s and the early twentieth century. Four men had a negative and positive impact on the twenty-first century. John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P Morgan, and Cornelius vanderbilt were called robber barons. Robber barons were people who took over the economy by doing anything possible to take over. They did things like monopolizing railroads, banking industry , oil, and steel industries. John D. Rockefeller was an American businessman and philanthropist. He was born

  • Robber Barons Analysis

    2203 Words  | 9 Pages

    What does Zinn mean by referring to industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller as “robber barons”? What did they do to deserve that name? Why do Schweikart and Allen refer to them as “titans of industry”? What good do they think Rockefeller and Carnegie did? By referring to industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller as robber barons, Zinn means they acquired their wealth through dishonest means. For example, Rockefeller removed a rival refinery with “a small explosion

  • Robber Barons In The Gilded Age

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    The Gilded Age, used to describe 19th century American life, was an important part of United States history. Known as a time where financial inequalities among society prevailed, the rise of robber barons arose where very few owned a large amount of the wealth in the economy. Robber barons, a term to describe a group of people who were rich due to corrupt and unethical business tactics dominated socially, economically, and politically. Reasons for this included the fact that many natural resources

  • Robber Barons In The Gilded Age

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    ” (Lifehack Quotes, P.1) This era of becoming “money hungry” began in the Gilded Age which occurred around 1877-1917. The industrialists of the 19th/20th century were Robber Barons who used questionable practices to acquire their wealth. Andrew Carnegie, The Vanderbilt family, JP Morgan, and John D Rockefeller were all Robber Barons because they only donated money to make themselves look better, they took advantage of their workers, and exploited other business companies. To put it in more honest

  • Robber Barons Book Report

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    revolution changed not only America, but the rest of the world as well. Authors, Charles Morris, Matthew Josephson, and James Nuechterlein point out to historians that the world is full of many different angles and ideas that one can view regarding the Robber Barons or the successful men of the industrial revolution. The lifestyles of Andrew

  • Robber Barons Research Paper

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    Rockefeller, J.P.Morgan, and Andrew Carnegie are a few examples of individuals known for “money-hogging” in the 19th century. Although a couple of these robber barons started off as people who did not give back to their community, they managed to become captains of industry in the end. What are robber barons and captains of industry? A robber baron is an industrialist who does not give back to the community. They would have done anything to get more money, even if it meant that others would be negatively

  • Robber Barons Dbq Essay

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    to the average American. These Big businesses led by so-called Robber barons, took a major part in the american economy using political corruption and bending the rules to their liking. However, the working class people didn't take kindly to such actions and formed labor unions and took political action to oppose working conditions and, political corruption. One of the reasons many of these big businesses got away with their robber baronistic ways was the

  • Robber Barons Economic Analysis

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    John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and John Pierpont Morgan introduced their ideas and their investments, as well as the impact of their actions on other people and materials for their businesses. The investigation will also describe how the “Robber Barons” built their industries and amassed their respective fortunes. Cornelius Vanderbilt was also known as “The Commodore”. At sixteen years old, Vanderbilt bought a “periauger” with a loan of

  • Robber Barons Research Paper

    395 Words  | 2 Pages

    Robber Baron's are the powerhouse of businesses in the United States. Were the big businesses and their owners captain of industry or robber baron, they were robber baron, more powerful and wealthy. The owners such as J.P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and more were robber baron. J.P. Became the first billionaire of the businesses. J.P. Morgan's US steel was the first billion dollar company in the world with an authorized capitalization of 1.2 billion dollars. He was a very successful

  • The Pros And Cons Of A Robber Baron

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    the term robber baron: “an American capitalist of the latter part of the 19th century who became wealthy through exploitation,” and “a business owner or executive who acquires wealth through ethically questionable tactics.” To call someone a robber baron implies that they were corrupt, perhaps through paying off the government, giving unfair wages, or using unethical business practices. “Robber Baron” is a loaded term, and should not be used lightly. That being said, the term “robber baron” aptly describes

  • The Pros And Cons Of Robber Barons

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    or robber barons. By referring to them as captains of industry, historians implied that they applied their ingenuity and inventiveness to transform the economy, and impact the lives of the people through philanthropy. They were also castigated for exploiting the American workers through poor working conditions and low wages for their own selfish gain. However, these men struggled to lay a blueprint for future entrepreneurs, transformed the economy, and made America what it is today. A robber baron

  • The Pros And Cons Of Robber Barons

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    allowed the economy to advance and flourish or robber barons who benefitted off the work of the lower classes and the betrayal of democracy. It is not arguable, however, that the only correct answer to this question would be that these men flourished and exceeded through the exploitation of the labor of the lower class which leads to the conclusion that they were robber barons. These men such as Cornelius Vanderbilt

  • Was Andrew Carnegie A Robber Baron

    346 Words  | 2 Pages

    The context of Andrew Carnegie is the robber baron. Industrialisation the expansion of factories and the mass production of manufactured goods like steel. The Industrial Revolution of the early 1900s set the foundation for the rise of Carnegie steel.While some say Andrew Carnegie is a caption of industry because he wanted to help others who were poor evidence suggests he is a robber baron because he made the vertical monopoly which makes it harder to compete with him and he had very poor working

  • John D. Rockefeller Robber Barons

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    John D. Rockefeller in my opinion is a robber baron; The term robber baron was used in the 19th century to describe a group of industrialist who were creating enormous personal fortunes. Many people believed he used unethical business practices to amass his extraordinary wealth. John had a drive to become one one of the richest people in America. During Rockefeller's time the average person was making around 8 to 10 dollars per week, but Rockefeller was worth millions. Rockefeller did use some tactics

  • Was Jay Gould A Robber Baron

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    all lied great amounts of corruption whether it was beknownst or unbeknownst to the public eye. Jay Gould was a cunning business man. Although he was tactical and did benefit the nations railroad system, many including myself viewed him as a true robber baron of the time period, due to his manipulations in stock. jay Gould had experience with a variety of businesses starting at a young age. This made him a savvy fancier. Coming from humble beginnings, Jason or should i say Jay Gould was born into

  • Jp Morgan Robber Barons Essay

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    industry" due to their significant contributions to the growth and development of the American economy, ultimately, their actions and methods of acquiring wealth and power, such as their monopolistic practices and corruption/bribery, classify them as "robber barons" who prioritized their self-interests over the well-being of society and the economy. The manipulation of markets ultimately ruins the natural flow of the market and results in many advantages for very few already wealthy individuals. John Pierpont

  • Robber Barons: The Captains Of The Steel Industry

    549 Words  | 3 Pages

    centuries, the captains of industry, more popularly known as robber barons, controlled big businesses, but through unethical, cut-throat ways. Robber barons were the wealthy citizens who owned successful businesses which used tactics that kept them on top, and there competitors below them. These tactics included, trusts, pools, and holding companies, which were all forms of monopolies. There were many individuals who qualified as a robber baron, but three of the most well known are Andrew Carnegie, John