within the household. Diem and Pizarro (2010) additionally discussed the broadly different types of family homicide such as the murder of a parent by an offspring (parricide), the murder of offspring by parent (filicide), the murder of a sibling (siblicide) and murder of a spouse (intimate partner homicide). There are a number of theoretically known causes that lead to family homicide such as, jealousy, stress, rivalry and a disruption within the
Intro In psychology there are many different areas of study, from who we are to what makes us study the different abnormal illnesses that can affect the mind. These branches of psychology focus in depth on the various aspects that can either hinder a person socially and as an individual. Mysteries have been intriguing to me my whole life. From NCIS and criminal have been something I grew up with because of the lack of kids shows on TV when I got home. Growing up with that I was also constantly reprimanded