The Handmaid's Tale Essays

  • The Handmaid's Tale

    1495 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum In the Handmaid’s Tale, this is meant to be an unintelligible latin phrase later translated by the commander, meaning “don’t let the bastards grind you down”. June/Offred finds this carved into the floor of her closet by the preceding handmaid of the household. The commander invites Offred into his office at night to make her life more bearable.

  • Handmaid's Tale

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    A Tale of a Handmaid’s Oppression The Handmaid’s Tale, directed by Volker Schlöndorff in 2017, is a Hulu original adapted from a book by author Margaret Atwood. It analyzes a society where resources, hierarchy, and traditional organizational structures are deeply engrained. Following a nuclear incident society has changed and the United State’s government has been toppled. The main character, Offred, works as a handmaid for a general and his wife. Her role is to act as a surrogate for the couple as the nuclear incident has made reproduction extremely difficult.

  • The Handmaid's Tale Analysis

    952 Words  | 4 Pages

    In Margaret Atwood’s novel, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, Moira is depicted as the symbol for resistance to authority and represents hope to the Handmaids. Atwood presents her as a polar opposite to Offred. She is independent, strong-willed, and outspoken. Conversely, the pair can be argued to be doubles in the fact that they both ‘resist’ to the oppressive Republic in Gilead.

  • Handmaid's Tale Analysis

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Handmaid’s Tale is based in a futuristic world and it contains a strictly enforced control. This system is called The Republic of Gilead. All must follow the rules set in Gilead and not dare to over step them. The laws are due to the decreasing number of fertile women and based on biblical teachings. Both men and women 's roles in this novel are significant with their responsibilities and actions.

  • Response To The Handmaid's Tale

    1799 Words  | 8 Pages

    There are many connections that can be made to the book The Handmaid’s Tale and these connections are explored in the following paragraphs. Text-to-Text (T-T): In the Handmaid’s Tale, life is limited by a certain organization that call themselves “The Eye”. This organization has restricted the freedom of the citizens of Gilead, a country which used to be known as the United States of America. The organization claims to be working for the benefit of the people and the country, saving the people from dying off from dangerously low birth rates.

  • Quotations In The Handmaid's Tale

    1684 Words  | 7 Pages

    The first quotation is taken from the first few chapters of Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. The novel does not seem to be set in a specific time period just before and after a post-apocalyptic catastrophe. At the beginning of this quote, Oryx is talking to Jimmy about the life she lived and how her community was as a child. The second quotation is taken from the first couple of chapters in The Handmaid's tale by Margaret Atwood.

  • The Handmaids Tale Theme

    1321 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Handmaids Tale essay “Faith” as it read and that there would be the last offred would get to read. In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, tells the story of Offred, one of the few fertile women in Gilead who is used purely for breeding and birth for a population. In the beginning, Offred seems to be inoffensive, ordinary, and somehow makes light of her awful situation and towards the end something changes in her which makes her bitter, reserved, and rebellious. Lust for freedom leads to change in integrity shown through Offred, the Commander, Serena joy, and the rest of the handmaids. Life before Gilead meant women could own property, smoke, decide their sexuality, work, and live for something other than serving man.

  • Perceptions In The Handmaids Tale

    1115 Words  | 5 Pages

    Perceptions of Society Living in a society filled with standards, restrictions and ideals, yet we pertain this idea that our world is worthy. Worthy of the sacrifices women make. Worthy of the limits homosexuals follow. Worthy of the lives being controlled. Our world has experienced these perceptions through the past and the present, but will it advance through the future?

  • Summary Of The Handmaiden's Tale

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the Handmaidens Tale women are a minority. In a world where women are seldom fertile, but nonetheless preyed upon and mistreated, life is shown as a horrible burden upon the female part of society. Methods are utilized by the author to employ this, but the moreover important aspect of my critical response is to understand what Atwood means to bring across. My thesis statement in turn being; The Handmaidens Tails wants to show the aspects of feminism and female rights, which are slowly beginning to be taken for granted in the modern day.

  • The Handmaids Tale Analysis

    1675 Words  | 7 Pages

    The writer presents the role of the “Handmaids” as a highly indispensable member of the Gilead society as they are in charge of providing the children for each family, which in the future will be the forthcoming leaders of the community. As Atwood, herself, expressed in an interview with Random house in January of 2012: “ The Handmaids themselves are a pariah caste within the pyramid: treasured for what they may be able to provide – their fertility – but untouchables otherwise. To possess one is, however, a mark of high status, just as many slaves or a large retinue of servants always has been.” (Atwood, Haunted by The Handmaid 's Tale, 2012)

  • Motifs In The Handmaid's Tale

    1107 Words  | 5 Pages

    Often, we see a society’s cultural values reflected in its citizens. For example, the United States values equality, a standard that is shared in all facets including gender. The opposite is true of Gilead, a fictional society in Emily Bronte’s The Handmaid’s Tale. The novel’s main character, Offred, is subjected to degrading treatment simply because she is a woman. It becomes apparent that this repeated degradation has affected the protagonist’s mind.

  • The Handmaids Tale Analysis

    856 Words  | 4 Pages

    Secrets Held in The Handmaid’s Tale Essay In a utopian world in which the main character has to do what they are told, there would have to be secrets among the people around them. The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel by Margaret Atwood in which a Handmaid by the name of Offred lives in the home of her Commander and his wife and she, along with other Handmaids, have specific roles to play and are forced to do those roles. As a Handmaid, Offred has to lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, due to the fact that the story takes place at a time in which births are declining, the Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are fully functional. Secrets lead to guilt or mistrust in oneself as shown through Offred’s interactions with other characters, behavior changes of characters throughout the story, and by the significance of “Mayday” as used by Atwood. Secrets lead to guilt or mistrust in oneself as shown through Offred’s interactions with other characters because in the novel, Atwood writes “Perhaps it was a test, to see what I would do.

  • Summary Of The Handmaids Tale

    623 Words  | 3 Pages

    IOP video notes: work on in sections, breaks by titles, run longer than presentation (~12 mins) •“Introduction” •~Sketching~ ◦“I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man--your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife and that 's the way it is, period.” ◾that was a quote from The 700 Club in 1992, not that long ago. ◾ to a certain extent, some of you agree (cultural institution or general idealistic acceptance); the idea is widely accepted ◦

  • Allusions In The Handmaid's Tale

    1373 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Handmaid 's Tale is one of Margaret Atwood most famous novels written during the spring of 1984, when the Berlin wall was still encircled. Atwood writes this book to create a dystopia, which most authors invision as the world’s fate. The Handmaid 's Tale effectively portrays the United States as a modern day totalitarian society of Gilead, which was depicted as perfect by using the book of Genesis. Although the authors’ ideas are inherently and completely fictional, several concepts throughout his book have common links to the past and present society which is the author herself calls a speculative fiction. Atwood integrates a totalitarian systems of the past, including the soviet system from deprivation, repression and terror which are

  • Handmaid's Tale Themes

    582 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many themes present in this week’s assigned reading of the Handmaids Tale exist in our contemporary society. The two most intriguing scenarios that demonstrate this include the doctor forcing himself on Offred and the reaction to Janine’s fourteen year old rape story. Offred recounts her most recent doctor’s visit at the end of the fourth chapter. The doctor examines her and is friendlier than he is supposed to be, and Offred is skeptical of this from the start of the appointment. After the examination he secretly offers to “help” Offred, attempting to manipulate her into believing having sex with him will save her.

  • Dialogue In The Handmaid's Tale

    321 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although the novel does not contain many dialogues in the beginning, the author gradually increases the number of dialogues to provide readers with an insight into the character’s emotion, as well as to reveal the events readers did not know about before reading the dialogue. After their first meeting, Scott contacts Rachel and tells her about what happened the night Megan disappeared. Scotts says “...I feel like I can’t tell anyone, because if I did they would look at me like I was guilty,” claiming himself for being “unkind to her” and “a bastard” (125). Reading his words, readers can understand how regretful he is toward his tactless action. Not only that his action caused Megan to be upset and leave him, but it also makes him a primary

  • Balram In The Handmaid's Tale

    512 Words  | 3 Pages

    The largest impediment to Balram getting out of the darkness is his family, holding him back. When Balram return to Laxmangarh, he visits his family, who invite him home and serve him a special meal of curried chicken. During dinner Kusum tries to get Balram to marry. Balram recalls, ““Granny,” I said, looking at the large piece of red, curried meat, “give me some more time. I’m not ready to be married.”

  • Offred In The Handmaid's Tale

    439 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of the most important parts of a story, book, novel, or events in general is its characters. Every story has a variety of characters with different ways of seeing the world. In The Handmaid’s Tale our main character is Offred, a woman in her early thirties suffering in a society everyone wants her to think of as a utopia. Offred, although she is the main character of the story, she is not described as what you would usually describe as a “traditional heroine”. Atwood would have liked Offred to be a more active character in her story

  • The Handmaid's Tale Chapter Summary

    1701 Words  | 7 Pages

    Invention and Arrangement The book begins with “A few words about this book”, “Prologue”, and “Deborah’s Voice”, which offer some background information preceding the actual story, and differs in format with the rest of the novel. The rest of the book is divided into three large sections: “Part 1: Life” (1940-1951), “Part 2: Death” (1951-1973), and Part 3: Immortality” (1973-2001). Each of these sections is structured by chapters, each chapter with varied titles. There are 11 chapters in Part 1 and Part 2, while Part 3 has 16 chapters.

  • Allusions In The Handmaids Tale

    902 Words  | 4 Pages

    The handmaids tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. Offred, the narrator, describes Gilead, as being a corrupt city where her rights were suppressed. Throughout the book we (the reader) are presented with many allusions, one of these being the bible. Atwood uses specific parts of the bible that glorifies marriage, convict women but absolve men of adultery for the purpose of childbirth to make the law’s in Gilead. Other Bible references that focus on meekness and humility has been used to dictate the handmaid’s behavior.