As the market for AI grows and major tech firms continue working on their offerings to enrich the extant generative AI space with more user-oriented features, the open-source market has also been witnessing steady growth. With major names like Hugging Face having released HuggingChat—the firm’s open source alternative to ChatGPT—even vast commercial tech organizations like Meta have jumped into the foray with LlaMa and its successor LlaMa 2. Among these open-source ventures is an ambitious project titled “Open Assistant,” which has built a considerable reputation for itself as an open-source ChatGPT alternative. The project was set up to provide all users with free access to a state-of-the-art language model chatbot, capable of responding coherently to user questions while also upholding user safety and security. While still in the early stages of development, Open Assistant AI has shown considerable promise and might just become the next big ChatGPT alternative for interested users. 

The team behind Open Assistant AI has been indulging in data collection exercises from the larger public to enhance the language model’s database. The UI has received acclaim from both experts and users for being straightforward and simplistic, allowing users to rate responses and flag potential spam messages. Contributors are also incentivized, with the project ranking these individuals on a leaderboard. While the attempt is ambitious and still in its nascency, it’s important to understand that chatbots like Open Assistant Chat will take a considerable amount of time to scale up to ChatGPT’s proficiency and relative coherence. This article looks at the Open Assistant project and what it aims to create.

LAION and Open Assistant’s Open Source Chatbot Project

A vector concept depicting natural language processing with a robotic head as well as a keyboard, gear, message, and magnifying glass icons

Open Assistant has achieved building a formidable dataset with the help of individual and LAION contributors.

The Open Assistant project has been spearheaded by the Large Scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network (LAION)—a German non-profit organization dedicated to opening access to advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. LAION datasets have been popular among individual developers as well as open-source contributors since they provide valuable information scraped from internet crawls. Currently, the LAION-5B dataset has garnered considerable popularity for its high-quality information and fidelity when it comes to creating chatbot architectures. The same dataset has been used by several researchers and developers to create AI tools. Moreover, even popular chatbots like StableLM and image generation models like Stable Diffusion have relied on the contributions of LAION. Similarly, the organization’s Open Assistant project is currently engaged in training a language model using both unsupervised as well as supervised training protocols to provide a free alternative to prevalent paid AI services. 

Currently, the Open Assistant project is limited to non-commercial purposes, but the firm’s website is clear in stating that the service and its chatbot will remain free for all its users even going forward. The focus remains on democratizing AI and bringing an egalitarian approach to cutting-edge technologies shaping the ongoing AI revolution. Despite being linked and envisioned as an alternative to ChatGPT, key developers have stated that the Open Assistant project is set to go beyond just one competitor and will go on to shape its own identity in the market. Despite being developed by an open-source collaborative community, the chatbot aims not to compromise on quality, ensuring users receive top-notch responses and AI-generated content from a chatbot.

Assessing the Capabilities of Open Assistant’s Chatbot

A vector image depicting interactions between a human and a generative AI

Open Assistant is a work in progress but aims to reach the proficiency of paid language model AIs in the future.

After an initial launch in April 2023, Open Assistant’s chatbot has been undergoing consistent refinement to achieve better outcomes. LAION—the project’s parent organization—is looking to position Open Assistant’s chatbot as a base tool for developers and researchers to build their own platforms. Open Assistant’s AI venture is designed to be completely customizable and extendable by any user, allowing free access to its usage mechanics and more. Apart from bringing free and transparent availability to the financially disadvantaged, Open Assistant AI also brings seamless AI connectivity to researchers who might want to study the behavior of artificial intelligence technologies and their evolving attributes. AI research is an area that even LAION intends to support more actively through its initiatives. Open Assistant’s dataset was collected from over 13,000 volunteers. These datasets span upwards of 600,000 interactions and more than 10,000 conversations. The information contained is multilingual and involves interactions from various languages. Contributors to the dataset can also flag or mark prompts that produce good responses to further help fellow researchers and engineers modify the interface using positive reinforcement. 

Users can sign up for free and interact with the latest Open Assistant models through platforms like GitHub or Hugging Face. Simplistic thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons allow users to opine on the chatbot’s responses. Like most popular chatbots and AI search engines, new conversation threads can be launched from the dashboard to better segregate each set of interactions with the chatbot. It is important to note, however, that Open Assistant is not perfect and is still a work in progress. While the development might not stop at merely attaining its commercial counterparts, like all AI chatbots, Open Assistant AI, too, is prone to similar pitfalls like hallucinations and biases. Regardless, it still holds the upper hand in providing transparent access to the end user, while also ensuring the security and fidelity of the framework remains in place to provide users with an overall high-quality experience.

Open Assistant’s Future Plans for Its Open Source AI Chatbot

Open Assistant’s Future Plans for Its Open Source AI Chatbot

Open Assistant intends on supporting numerous individual developers and researchers with its large language model.

Open Assistant’s core mission is to build and optimize an LLM-based artificial intelligence that can run independently on a single upper-level GPU on the consumer end, allowing free and fair access to advanced LLMs. As several contributors work toward making this possible, Open Assistant has been receiving much-deserved acclaim from the larger developer community. Apart from chatbots, Open Assistant intends to train more models to fit the same requirements, alongside integration through APIs and third-party integrations to aid better engagement. The project aims to enhance its focus on responsible AI as well as safety measures for the overall architecture. Open Assistant also has several models that are still private and are awaiting broader release. With the continued extension of its datasets, Open Assistant can put together a formidable open-source AI chatbot that can compete not only against ChatGPT but also other major chatbot services like Google Bard and Anthropic Claude.



1. Is Open Assistant’s training data available?

Yes, Open Assistant’s training data has been released under a CC BY 4.0 license and can be viewed by users. Open access to training data enhances transparency and the viability of the project as an open-source initiative. 

2. Who owns Open Assistant?

Open Assistant is a project spearheaded by Large Scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network (LAION), a non-profit organization looking to democratize access to advanced artificial intelligence technologies. Along with LAION contributors, Open Assistant also works with numerous individual developers. 

3. Can I use Open Assistant chat for free?

Yes, Open Assistant Chat is free to use and will continue to remain a free AI service since it’s built through an open-source approach.