Large language models have defined recent technological history by changing the way we approach artificial intelligence and machine learning. Firms like OpenAI have spent considerable time and effort studying and developing complex neural networks to create functional LLMs that can be used in front-facing interactive chatbots. As the development and usage of chatbots grew, developers and engineers were quick to understand that certain questions or prompts were more likely to be answered in a lucid and detailed manner. Soon enough, tech developers and engineers figured that prompts had to be structured in specific ways to bring out high-quality answers from chatbots. Further, this would also augment their functionality to better suit niche use cases. Consistent explorations in this regard led to the rise of a dedicated ML and AI engineering subset. This is now known as prompt engineering. Using the tenets of prompt engineering allows not only developers but also the average user to make the best of chatbots and their generative capabilities. 

Language, as we know it, has several nuances and variations. Natural language processing functions are based on vast sets of data drawn from numerous sources. Often, these datasets might be biased toward a particular language or dialect, leading to impaired comprehension for the AI when it comes to alternative modes of expression. While modern LLMs have indeed bridged the gap between human and machine communications, there still exists considerable scope for improvement. AI chatbots might have to be instructed in highly specific and pointed ways to derive the ideal output and assess their performance on different queries.

What Is Prompt Engineering? Understanding Lucid AI Prompts

Two people assessing code displayed on a screen

Different AI chatbots might require varied approaches to achieving the right kinds of prompts.

Prompt engineering involves structuring and framing sentences in a way that allows the generative AI model to best understand the user’s intentions and provide a response that is in line with their expectations. The methods of structuring an AI prompt involve understanding how the ML protocol interprets human language. It includes elements of language, grammar, coding, art and, sometimes, even images. Another important aspect of AI prompt engineering is that the same prompt might elicit different qualities in responses spread across various chatbots. A prompt structured and engineered for ChatGPT might not bring about the same degree of efficiency in Bard or Claude. The domain of prompt engineering is fairly recent and has been growing since 2022, it is among the latest additions to the study of AI and ML and has consistently extended human understanding of our interactions with chatbots. Moving forward, prompt engineering will be key in training future language models and machine learning algorithms. The process entailed several iterations of trial and error, which have finally led to a considerable understanding of the kind of AI prompts that work and those that don’t. 

For text-based chatbots like ChatGPT, prompt engineering will involve reordering and restructuring sentences to be better understood by the model. On the other hand, image generators like Midjourney and Dall-E require a different approach. Image generators often require more context, depth, detail, and highly specific instructions on what to create, making the process considerably more complex. More recently, programs like AutoGPT have also attempted to automate the prompting process by structuring the user’s original prompt into several automated sub-tasks, with each assigned a prompt generated by the algorithm autonomously. AI prompts and the act of prompting essentially hold much potential for the future of artificial intelligence, helping users and developers further machines’ understanding of human intent in their requests while also adding crucial troubleshooting measures within LLMs.

A Sneak Peek into AI Prompt Engineering: Types of Prompts

A vector image depicting a robotic arm using a laptop

Using varied prompting techniques can reveal the true extent of the LLM’s proficiency in different domains.

Whether it’s ChatGPT prompt engineering or structuring instructions for any other language model, experts use a variety of different prompts to get the models to respond to specific instructions contained within. Some of these AI prompt types are detailed below. 

1. Single Prompting Technique

Adding singular yet clear statements for the LLM to act on entails a single prompt technique. A phrase like “structure your response in bullet points” or “adopt a step-by-step approach” entails a single prompt technique. 

2. Few/N-Shot Prompting Technique

These AI prompts involve providing models with examples for reference. Often, AI-generated content can be enhanced in quality if the LLM knows exactly what the user expects by referring to the examples they provide. This can be used to enhance mathematical reasoning, grammatical accuracy, and image generation. For example: providing a number of sample essays for a model to refer to when prompting it will aid the LLM in writing content best suited to the user’s intent. 

3. Chain-of-Thought Prompting Technique

In this prompt engineering approach, the user essentially asks the model to provide potential steps to solving a problem. The user then carries out repeated cycles of this approach to finalize a bunch of steps to solve the original problem. “Outline the steps involved in preparing pasta,” is an example of an initial prompt in the chain-of-thought technique. The user can then request the model to go over the steps repeatedly to fix any issues in the recipe.  

4. Generated-Knowledge Prompting Technique

The user requests the LLM to generate a set of facts about a problem in this technique. Upon receiving these facts, the user then prompts the LLM to use these facts to solve the original problem. If a user prompts the LLM to provide them with the fundamental rules of integral calculus, followed by prompting the model to use the theorems to solve a problem in the subsequent prompt, the process is an example of the generated-knowledge prompting technique. 

5. Self-Refine Prompting Technique

This method involves several iterations of generating solutions to a particular problem. The user initially requests the model to generate a solution and then prompts the model to critique its initial response. The user can also deploy critical thinking to analyze the responses themselves and aid the model in avoiding unnecessary tangents. This technique is especially prevalent in AI writing prompts, where the user might request the chatbot to refine the end result numerous times based on errors or qualitative concerns they find in successive responses. 

6. Directional Stimulus Prompting Technique

This is a rather simple AI prompting method that requires a user to state a set of facts they require in the final result. Though the method might be a tad bit tedious, adaptive learning models can hold onto user preferences and recollect them for future use. For example: mentioning important details in the prompt such as using an engaging tone, avoiding complex sentence structure, structuring the output in individual paragraphs entail a directional stimulus prompting process.

The Future of Prompt Engineering

A vector image depicting a chatbot on a laptop

Prompt engineering is set to become an integral part of AI design and structuring.

The emergent trait of responding to highly specific prompts and chains of AI prompts has been a key discovery in humans’ approach to advanced artificial intelligence. Prompt engineering elicits great potential and is bound to impact further models and their structures. Beyond developers and prompt engineers, it is also important for the lay user to understand AI prompt engineering to make the best of natural language processing techniques. Given that it is a novel domain within the AI space, demand and potential have skyrocketed. Needless to say, it might end up becoming a critical skill in the AI domain. More importantly, it is also key that responsible AI and the ethical aspects of its development are emphasized, since these algorithms can be trained by just about anyone who possesses a degree of knowledge in prompt engineering. Reinforcing safety and security protocols will be important and must be integrated into growing prompt engineering programs.


1. Is prompt engineering coding?

While coding might help with a few aspects of prompt engineering, neither is the domain entirely based on coding expertise, nor is the latter a prerequisite to understanding how to prompt. Prompt engineering primarily focuses on how language models work and how prompts can be structured to derive the best response. 

2. Is prompt engineering in demand?

Yes, prompt engineering is a domain that has grown exponentially and is witnessing great demand in the market. The AI boom has also created a vast influx of new language models, and structuring effective communication methods with these algorithms will remain important. 

3. How difficult is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering requires a good understanding of how LLMs work. Apart from this, prompters must also have a firm grasp of language, grammar, and logic in addition to possessing good critical thinking and problem-solving skills.