
A Raisin In The Sun Mama Discrimination Essay

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The play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry is written based off of her experiences with her family and her struggles with discrimination. The play takes place in the Southside of Chicago between WW II (1939) and the 1950’s. The play is about an African American family, the Youngers, and their efforts in a world of discrimination. The play’s plot is most influenced by the actions, conflicts and dialogue of Mama and her son Walter as they differ on opinions and decisions. Mama is of great importance in the development of the plot. Her discipline toward the family and having ownership of the $10,000 insurance check shows her character. Mama’s conflict with Beneatha in Act 1 Scene 1 best shows that Mama is a strong disciplinarian. “(Mama absorbs this speech, studies her daughter and rises slowly and crosses to Beneatha and slaps her powerfully across the face…)”. Another example of Mama’s character is her independence in Act II Scene I when Walter questions where Mama has been all day. Mama responds by saying “You know better than to question me like a child, Brother.” Other than Mama’s sternness influencing the story, she also so happens to be the holder of the insurance check worth $10,000. With the insurance check Mama buys a house which greatly influences the story and sparks reactions from the other characters. Mama proves that family is important as she provides for …show more content…

The setting of the play is in the Southside of Chicago between WW II (1939) and the 1950’s. In the play the African American family, the Youngers, live in an old worn out apartment and share a bathroom with the other residents across the hall from them. The development of the plot is most influenced by the actions, conflicts and dialogue of Mama (Lena) and her son, Walter. which are expressed throughout the

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