Agile Development Method

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Abstract – Nowadays, the cybercrimes has been increased rapidly and several researches mentioned that most of the security vulnerabilities left in the application during the development phase causes threats and cybercrime. Agile software development method is a set of techniques for developing software reduce time, fast to change according to customer requirements and fast products Delivery, and simple. Scrum is One of the most common Agile development methods inherit the same features. The critical disadvantage of SCRUM is low quality software security function. Form a security perspective the reason because no detailed security standards, architecture and, implementation instructions, testing framework from the beginning of the project. In …show more content…

Agile software development processes were developed primarily to support timely and economic development of high-quality software that meets customer needs at the time of delivery. It is claimed by agile process advocates that this can be accomplished by using development processes that continuously adapt and adjust to (1) collective experience and skills of the developers, including experience and skills gained thus far in the development project, (2) changes in software requirements and (3) changes in the development and targeted operating environments[1]. Actually, agile methods are assist in reduce risks of project failure. However, they need to follow several rules related to the agile manifesto, including those concerning less documentation and team member interactions, which provide an appropriate communication with customers .The most widely used agile frameworks are Scrum and the hybrid framework combining Scrum & Extreme programming. The paper scope framework is Scrum. Scrum was developed by Schwaber and Sutherland and is described in the Scrum Guide [2]. Scrum is an agile software development framework that is basically used for iterative and incremental software development. The main objective of the Scrum is that customer requirements which can be changed rapidly during software development. …show more content…

The number of vulnerabilities per year from January 2000 until December 2015 found in the National Vulnerability Database[9]

One of the goals of software testing is to find bugs. The cost of fixing a bug is highly related to where in the process the bug is found as can be seen in Figure2 [10]. Figure 2. The cost of fixing bugs related to where it is found. This figure is an adapted version of the original from Building Security In [10].

In another study prepared by Ponemon Institute US, October 2015 show that “Malicious code is the most costly problem for US companies. Countries with the highest costs related to denial of services attacks are the UK and Australia. Malware is most costly in the Russian Federation. In most countries, botnets are the least costly type of attack and the most costly cybercrimes are those caused by malicious insiders, denial of services and web-based attacks as per figure3. [11]. Mitigation of such attacks requires enabling technologies such as applications security testing solutions, SIEM, intrusion prevention systems [11].we should give a priority for software testing to minimize the cybercrime and Implications

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