
Annotated Bibliography: The Man Who Cried I Am

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(n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from http://www.unchainingcivilrights.org/index.html
Full text of ‘willie lynch letter 1712’. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from https://archive.org/stream/WillieLynchLetter1712/the_willie_lynch_letter_the_making_of_a_slave_1712_djvu.txt
‘Novel: The Man Who Cried I Am’ by John A. Williams, Ramparts Magazine, November 1967. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from http://www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1967nov-00034
Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience: Education, Arts, & Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from http://www.pbs.org/wnet/slavery/experience/education/docs1.html
The American slave code in theory and practice: its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions, …show more content…

The Slave Experience: Education, Arts, & Culture’, n.d.)
The American slave code in theory and practice: its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions, and illustrative facts./ By William Goodell. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moa/abj5059.0001.001/251?rgn=full+text;view=image;q1=251
(‘The American slave code in theory and practice: its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions, and illustrative facts./ By William Goodell.’, n.d.)
The American slave code in theory and practice: its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions, and illustrative facts./ By William Goodell. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moa/abj5059.0001.001/3?rgn=full+text;view=image
(‘The American slave code in theory and practice: its distinctive features shown by its statutes, judicial decisions, and illustrative facts./ By William Goodell.’, n.d.)
The Journal of Negro History – Books on Google Play. (1920, January 1). Retrieved 22 July 2015, from https://play.google.com/books/reader?printsec=frontcover&output=reader&id=QBaTtGgyWakC&pg=GBS.PA2
(‘The Journal of Negro History – Books on Google Play’,

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