
Essay On The Abolition Of Slavery

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Introduction: During the 1800’s, Slavery was an immense problem in the United States. Slaves were people who were harshly forced to work against their will and were often deprived of their basic human rights. Forced marriages, child soldiers, and servants were all considered part of enslaved workers. As a consequence to the abolition people found guilty were severely punished by the law. Slavery in the US was firstly introduced in 1619 when tobacco and crops had to be grown effectively. Such people were discriminated and forced to work under strict regulations after being insufficiently paid. This was carried out both in the 17th and 18th Century until America literally divided into two parts leading to a tremendous, violent war named the American Civil War, which …show more content…

The total Abolition of slavery, which was supported by the majority of the American population, lead to other events such as: the reconstruction of the country, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan know as the KKK’s, the migration patterns, some new types of discriminations, and consequently the number of black’s who …show more content…

The country and the economy have collapsed as soon as Slavery was abolished in 1865. Many people have lost their lives during this history period and different events arouse. The country on the other hand has successfully reconstructed over the years even though it faced a tremendous situation due to the immeasurable debt and the violent war, riots and rebellions. Unfortunately, the Ku Klux Klan and the new types of discrimination have negatively impacted the country since many have been killed and tortured. Similarly, the migration patterns have led to the creation of a new race, the Afro Americans who in the end have aroused to power and still nowadays are fighting for their

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