
Atticus Finch Justice

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One Shot at Justice

Atticus Finch is a character in the novel; “To Kill A Mockingbird”. He is introduced in the beginning of the story as the young narrator, Scout’s father. Atticus Finch displays many of his good qualities throughout the novel. Three of the characteristics, out of the many, Atticus Finch displays are: acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with God.

Atticus Finch is a man with a great character who acts justly. This is displayed in several areas of the novel. When Scout asks her father if they are going to win Tom Robinson’s case, Atticus tells her no. The naive narrator doesn't understand why he would be taking a case he knows he will not win. Her father …show more content…

“When Jem an' I fuss Atticus doesn't ever just listen to Jem's side of it, he hears mine too" (113) This shows us that Atticus has a clear set of rules and he expects his children to follow that, but he also listens to both sides and acts justly. He makes sure both of his children have a say in their conflict. Atticus Finch is a good father who acts with justice and treats his children as equals. When Scout asks her uncle Jack what some of the swear words she had been using meant, Jack switched the topic and later Atticus tells Jack what he should have done. “When a child asks you something answer him, for goodness' sake. But don't make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker than adults, and evasion simply muddles 'em." Atticus tells his brother Jack not to lie to children, and to give them just enough information to satisfy them. Atticus is telling his brother Jack to be just and treat children the way he would treat someone his own age because children can tell when they are being lied to. Scout is naive, innocent, loving and through her eyes she can see the racial injustice accepted by all of the adults and Maycomb as a whole. Atticus tries to be as clear and just as he can be with his children and as a result the children see more perceptively. They see right and wrong for what it is. Atticus shows justice in the end of the book as well, when he thinks Jem might have killed Bob Ewell. He wants to go to court and say Jem did it out of self defense. “It’ll come before county court... Of course it was clear-cut self-defence, but I'll have to go to the office and hunt up-.. I'm sorry if I spoke sharply, Heck but nobody's hushing this up. I don't live that way.” (365) We see Atticus acting justly because he insists his son be treated the way anyone else would have been treated in this scenario. Atticus has a lot of faith in the justice system and although he loves his

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