
Aztecs Farming Or Sacrifice Should Be Emphasized?

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The Aztec people had significant ups and downs. Human sacrifices were made for their deities, while big farming improvements were being made. They believed sacrificing people for their gods could give them better farming seasons, luck in war, and the sun to come back up. Farming also played a big rule in sacrifice, because of their relationship. However the organization of farming shows that they didn’t do it for sport, moreover that it was a whole ceremony. Should Aztecs farming or sacrifices be emphasized? Because of religion, ceremony of sacrifice, and the relation between farming and sacrifice. These are the few reasons why Sacrifice should be emphasized.
Religion plays an important role in human sacrifice because their beliefs are what drive them to do it. Aztecs believed that sacrifice to their gods was important. They sacrifice people for the sun god and war god (Doc D). They would sacrifice 2,300 people or more at a time nevertheless when they needed more people to sacrifice they would sacrifice people from independent territories (Doc A/D). This is a lot of sacrifice or death. For example this could be close to 460 families of five being …show more content…

Aztecs threw ceremonies for certain sacrifices for war. Before these ceremonies they would let the sacrifice live a wonderful year, living like a god. They invested so much into this sacrifice that when it came time to sacrifice this person some people got sad that they had to die (Doc E). The Aztecs don’t sacrifice for sport and they have ceremonies and organization that goes into each sacrifice. The organization of farming shows that their government was well organized consequently that they didn’t sacrifice people for sport (Doc B). This shows that sacrifice was for a purpose and not just because they want to, but because they felt they needed to or the sun wouldn’t come back up or their luck in war would be really

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