Brain Drain Research Paper

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Brain drain is a slang term for a significant emigration of educated or talented individuals. A brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, from there being better professional opportunities in other countries or from people seeking a better standard of living. In addition to occurring geographically, brain drain may occur at the organizational or industrial levels when workers perceive better pay, benefits or upward mobility within another company or industry. The brain drain problem refers to the situation where a country loses its best worker. Brain drain is a slang term for a significant emigration of educated or talented individuals. A brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, from there being better …show more content…

The term often describes the departure of doctors, scientists, engineers or financial professionals. When these people leave, their places of origin are harmed flight, can occur on several levels. Geographic brain drain occurs when talented professionals flee one country or region within a country in favour of another. Organizational brain drain involves the mass exodus of talented workers from a company, often because they sense instability or lack of opportunity within the company or feel they can realize their career goals more easily at another two ways. First, expertise is lost with each emigrant, diminishing the supply of that profession. In the case of geographic brain drain, the country's economy is harmed as each professional represents surplus spending units. Professionals often earn large salaries, so their departures remove significant consumer spending from the country. Brain drain, also known as human …show more content…

Higher paying jobs and a better quality of life are examples of pull factors. Other pull factors include superior economic outlook, the prestige of foreign training, relatively stable political environment, a modernized educational system to allow for superior training, intellectual freedom, and rich cultures. These lists are not complete; there may be other factors, some of which can be specific to countries or even to individuals.

EFFECTS OF BRAIN DRAIN Brain drain is usually described as a problem that needs to be solved. However, there are benefits that can be derived from the phenomena. When people move from LDC countries to developed countries, they learn new skills and expertise, which they can utilize to the advantage of the home economy once they return. Another benefit is remittances; the migrants send the money they earn back to the home country, which can help to stimulate the home country's economy.


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