
Brotherhood In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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War isn’t a topic talked of lightly, especially for those who served in the war. In Tim O’Brien’s book titled The Things They Carried, soldiers encountered countless lifeless bodies, witnessed gallons of bloodshed, and questioned their own morals knowing that each battle could prove to be their last. In fact, the soldiers long to escape the daily fear and, in Vietnam especially, resort to whatever easily offers itself as a way to momentarily break with harsh reality whether alcohol, drugs, etc. However, the ones who did experience that trauma almost miss it. The adrenaline in combat, the lack of connection in society after the war, and the brotherhood they created are all factors that contribute to their saudade. In war, the soldiers’ only …show more content…

Brotherhood isn’t like society's friendship where you help someone due to how much you like them. According to Junger, he defines brotherhood saying, “It’s a mutual agreement in a group that you will put the welfare of the group...above your own,” (Junger 10:05). As Junger states, brotherhood is protecting one another more than your own life, whether you like them or not. He then talks about a veteran who is asked what he misses most about war and states that the veteran replied, “I miss almost all of it,” (Junger 9:03). Junger elaborates on the veterans statement and tells the audience, “I think what he missed is brotherhood,” (Junger 9:37). As Junger explains, the veteran missed the bond between he and his men that was unquestionably solid. An example of pure brotherhood was in O’Brien’s book whose character, Lieutenant Jimmy cross, was love stricken and constantly thought about his love, Martha, during the war. He kept pictures and letters that she sent to him and cherished each of them in hopes that they would help get him through the war. Soon, one of his men named Ted Lavender was shot after returning from the bathroom. O’Brien writes about how Cross felt saying, “He felt shame. He hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender was dead…,” (O’Brien 16). Later, O’Brien writes that Cross, “...burned Martha’s letters. Then he burned the two photographs, ” (O’Brien 23). The brotherhood Cross had with his men had him destroy the only things that kept him going in the war. He gave up his own pleasures and needs for the safety of his men. In society, that guarantee of trust and devotion doesn’t exist. Around every corner, someone is out to do whatever they wish for their own personal gain no matter who it affects. So, when veterans return they don’t know who to trust anymore. Junger finally states that veterans, “... come

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