
Compare And Contrast The Battle Of Texington And Concord

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Revolutionary War: Battles of Lexington and Concord Carter Wilson Mountain View High School Revolutionary War: Battles of Lexington and Concord The Revolutionary War had many twists and turns, many with the possibility to change History’s course completely. Each battle and decision decided these outcomes we now live with, for example our freedom. Ever since the end of the French & Indian War over who will control the Americas, in which the colonists helped the British win. The colonists realized just how limited their rights were becoming (Road to Revolution, 159), leading to a desire of independence. With the British eager to regain control, The Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the Revolutionary war, making British …show more content…

Concord was said to have a “considerable” amount of military wares, to be disposed of (Bright, 2003). General Gage, aware of the information proposed to destroy all of it detaching Lieutenant-Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn (Bright, 2003). They arrived at Boston from sea, ready to march for Concord from there. Nearing Concord, Paul Revere and others sounded the alarms, with the Colonial Militia planning to intercept the redcoats positioning (Gorman, 2011). The first shots in the revolutionary war however, were shot at Lexington. As the British marched upon Lexington, Captain Jonas Parkers accompanied by around 70 minutemen were the only defense (Kidport, 1998). Unknown to who fired first, 18 militiamen were killed (Kidport, 1998). However, by the bridge north of Concord another battle broke out, after the British completed their search for military supplies (Gorman, 2011). Around 4,000 minutemen and militiamen were gathered there as they fired endlessly on the British forces, even as they retreated (Road to Revolution, …show more content…

Without these battles, the Americans would have declared independence later, suffering more taxation and abuse from England. You could say it started the last spark igniting the war, really pushing the colonists to choose a side of a Loyalist or a Patriot dissolving the Neutral side. The battles being an American victory, also shows the importance that they want independence and can defend themselves from the control of England’s might. Overall, the fact that they had something to fight for containing their home, families, friends, gave them to motivation to not only win the battle, but Independence in the end making it so

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