
Comparing Marx And Friedrich Engels 'The Bedouin'

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The authors of the communist manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, nationality played a key role in writing the manuscript. Both men came from Prussia, as well as a somewhat wealthy family. They were born into the upper middle-class, allowing them to receive an education. However Engels’ family would soon face circumstances that would cause Engels to drop out of school and be sent to Bremen to work. There Engels would soon discover the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, which would influence him to publish, a poem entitled "The Bedouin". He would also take part in writing newspaper articles criticizing societal ills of industrialization. Engels was eventually drafted into the Prussian military and was station at berlin. While there …show more content…

Engels from very early on, knew about the effects of industrialization and how badly it affects the workers. With his education he would be able to write the communist manifesto, using the experience he was able to have at a young age. Karl Marx, however, lived a different life. His family was able to support him at University, and due to physical conditions he was able to avoid the mandatory enlistment into the Prussian Army. While at Berlin University Marx become fascinated with German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel. He joined a club which discussed his work, which added to his leftist-views. Both men’s experience in early life shaped their thoughts and views on the government. Engels saw it from a workers perspective, and Marx from a middle class perspective. This would eventually lead to them writing the …show more content…

It was very well written, and contain ideas that were very thought-provoking. Such that with communism, the worker would be able to rise up against those that were oppressing them. Then to see just how dictators used this to not only control millions of people, but to kill millions as well. This book is really misinterpreted by many, they think that communism is horrible and everything associated with communism is horrible as well. What people fail to realize is that communism, as described by Marx and Engels, was originally meant to help those that were oppressed. Before picking up the book, I knew that it was not going to be describing communism the same as seen in the Soviet Union, but what I did not expect is to read about the sole purpose. What really amazed me is just how helpful Marx and Engels was trying to be, since they saw how the workers were being treated by the middle class, they wanted to put a stop to it. Communism to them was a way to help the workers, not to enslave them even more. That is what really got to me, how communism originally was to help the worker, just how through the years it was twisted by leaders to fit their own needs, and now it is view with such a negative connotation. Much like the bible, the communist manifesto is really misinterpreted and deserves really to be read and seen for what it really is, a way to overthrow the oppressors and help the

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